??? Chances of Lucas North in SPOOKS/MI-5 Series 10?

Nov 01, 2010 14:55

So, on a Scale of 1 - 10, what do you think are Lucas North's chances of making it to the next series of SPOOKS/MI-5, based *NOT* on character developments, but only on Armitage's production schedule?:

1.)  SPOOKS usually tapes in February-July/ August.  Next year,  THE HOBBIT begins filming in Feb. as well. (However, there are huge chunks of the story with no Thorin, so...)

2.) 10 episodes of STRIKE BACK were commissioned.  Last time, 6 eps took 4 months to film, so, even with a 2nd unit, 10 eps should take about 6 months, give or take...?

3.)  Armitage's desire to do some theatre at the end of 2011, could happen, but would take a (perhaps) 3+ month block of time (4-6 weeks rehearsals, 6 weeks limited run performance).

Question:  When does this man have time to be Lucas?  (Let alone sleep?)

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