Sep 03, 2010 18:18
It's pretty sad to have to come back on LJ to say this, but as things have gotten so wacky, and I guess that I have to make it official.........
Please, Please, P-L-E-A-S-E DO NOT cross-post *anything* from my LJ to your Facebook/Twitter pages, ***including comments.*** And, (I can't believe I'm having to type makes me sounds like someone's mother!) since the issue has come up, please don't cut and paste without permission, either. Sheesh!
Yes, comments too. I believe that EVERYONE, including people commenting to my posts are entitled to privacy, IRRESPECTIVE of what the "Powers That Be" of LJ may think, or how "cool" massive amounts of connectivity is supposed to be. Uh huh. Yeah. Right. Whatevs. WTF, LJ???!!!
I really couldn't give a damn what the "cool kids" are doing and think the ability to express ourselves openly, honestly, and PRIVATELY is far more important. And more fun! Sigh. And I just voted in an LJ poll, where over 9,000 people feel that this a real concern to them, i.e. it's a privacy issue. Sigh. This stuff makes me tired. Think it's time to signoff again and paint...
Timing Irony? AP (Associated Press) announced new editorial guidelines for credit and attribution yesterday 9/1/10, because, "In the age of the Web, the sourcing and reliability of information has become ever more crucial....." (GOOD, I say!!!) But wasn't technology supposed to make things easier? Can't we all just talk anymore? Now that people are feeling the need to text, to make an appointment for a phone call? (Excuse me while I put my head down on my desk and weep. A major element of my job is connecting with people via the phone and email. I am not a dinosaur, damn it! Since when is a freakin' phone call an antiquated event!!??) Breathe. Deep breath. Yup, painting is sounding better and better. Something tangible. Something real. Something that lasts. And won't change on me tomorrow.
Hope you are all well, happy, and have had a lovely summer. Due to weather changes (and lack of sleep) I got sick this week, and so, apparently, have many of you. Here's to better health for us all! Ahhhh, sleep. My drug of choice!
Adieu. Ciao. See ya. Hey da. Lates. ..........We now return you to your regularly scheduled program ........