I find it kind of pathetic that I can't remember the last movie (or last 5 movies) I've seen in the theater.
Ok I lie, I *do* remember the last one, The Dark Knight. Because it was better than the last 24 movies I had seen in the theater and for once it was finally worth $9.
Off the top of my head the other ones that had been "worth it" include The Golden Compass, I Am Legend, Order of the Phoenix, Sweeney Todd... None of which were released this year. Pathetic!
Now under my control, the Netflix will get loaded with movies I have been missing out on for the past 5-10 years. The list would be spiraling out of control if I had kept tabs on it, which I hadn't thankfully.
Yeah I used to be a serious movie buff. Not even anyone in college ever faced the insanity of my obsession that I left behind upon graduating high school. Yeah, LotR and HP were pretty borderline. Sarah just recently caught a glimpse of one episode of madness I faced back when TLW:JP came out in 1998. Again, I apologize Amanda and Kristin.
bwoohahahaaha moviemoviemovies
Anyone have some recommendations? Or anything to look forward to in theater the rest of the year? Seriously 2008 has been bad. Really, do I have to wait for