May 05, 2008 19:10
"All I want to know is. Who's comin with me? Cmoooon...whos comin with me?"
(I only quote this every other month, I hope everyone knows what it's from)
Anywhoo, besides the actual decision of wanting to marry each other, we have one other thing sorted out.
Best guy/Girl of honor: Jon and the Marcia
Bridesgirls: HeidGod, Laura, Kristin and Sarah
Groomsguys: Bobservo, Timmah, Devin and Zach
Sorry but the words "men" and "maids" just don't seem relevant. Ha!! It also just occurred to me that I will indeed have 3 redheaded brothers. AHHHHHH Also a mother-in-law with my name. Unless I want to make up a new name. Yeah, I think that'd be fun.
And we're shooting for next summer. With monkeys, fireworks, firedancers, a pool, water balloons...and one pink dress. Yes you can have a pink dress, but it will be the *only* pink allowed!