In December, I had the honour and pleasure of visiting and interviewing Simon for Project Avalon. If you ever feel inspired to seek truth, if you ever wonder if there is more to life than what you can see in the physical, this is the one to watch. And his cats are adorable.
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Every conspiracy theory site tries to sell you a book or get money.
I want proof. Where is this child? Where are all the other children in all the other similar stories out there? In an age where we have the NSA, GPS, Google Maps, and big brother has covered London and US highways with CCTV cameras, and "people and systems" know where I am at based on my cell phone and pictures I post to the net, and every computer that touches my data, and the govt knows the flavor of gum I bought that day, then why can't "we" produce one single shred of hard evidence? I don't buy it. Children have finger prints and DNA extracted now for databases. One would think something odd might turn up. "Oh, but they hide all that!" Yes, I know, how very convenient. Call me an agnostic.
To anyone who's a skeptic and doesn't take this tale at face value, he's just a politician trying to cover an affair, that's according to Occam's Razor.
Anyone can find spirituality in a number of ways: wicca, christianity, buddism, hinduism, doesn't matter. Yes, certain universal, religious truths, abound in "conspiracy theory". But I don't think I will be finding it via a badly behaving Brit Pol, who I believe knows exactly what he's doing.
Yes, he's got great cats. But Politicians and social narcissists are fantastic, if not global champion lairs, and very convincing liars at that.
I am more inclined to get spiritual advice from the Dali Lama instead of this guy.
I do believe in life in the Universe. I just don't buy into this guy's science fiction.
Do a search and read up on conspiracy theory regarding aliens and the Illuminati. Bottom line of such stories is there is going to be a alien war and we humans just have to be Zen about it and treat each other kindly. What changes in these stories are the players in the "war" and how that war unfolds. Happy reading. I have seen Bush as Illuminati. I have seen Clinton as Illuminati. Now I see Obama as, yep, Illuminati! -sighs- That's what's really fun about conspiracy theories, they make great, life affirming, alarming, action packed reading. They really do.
I learned a lot of historically documented bad behavior by the government from conspiracy theory, those actions, are not theory but historical fact. Such as running medical tests on the US public and US service men. Therefore, conspiracy theory tells us that our govt is capable of making unwise, wasteful, abusive, and stupid decisions.
You yourself noted in your reply that governments like to have full control over every step their citizens take. Do you find this normal? I do not. I was born a human being, not a number, not a person, and most certainly not a slave, and yet governments and media do their best to convince all of us all the time that we can't function without their control, without them telling us what to think, what fashion to follow, etc.
You can perhaps become a little bit more spiritual through the religions you mentioned (and yes, Wicca is a religion just like Christianity or Buddhism etc is). However, you will never become aware of your nature of a spiritual being with the help of any religion.
What life is about is to find truth of everything. The more truth you know, the taller you will stand, the easier you will be able to forgive, and the more you will grow spiritually. But to strive for truth is a hard thing to do for most. Truths are very often very inconvenient, and most people find it far easier to keep the wool over their eyes and continue to be distracted by all the shiny things that, yes, you guessed it, were put there by design. *shrugs*
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