there, now really done with the event for the year

Nov 27, 2016 00:04

I finally had the time today to sit down and take care of the financial paperwork for Norrskensfesten. We had 100 people registered, of whom 75 were SCA members. The numbers have been sent in to the Shire Exchequer and Seneschal, and I will likely get a refund for the cash I fronted soon.

However, a problem* I have been having with my home computer for a couple of weeks (months?) now did complicate things--it was necessary to use the computer to send the financial report email from my work email to my gmail address, then use my phone to forward (actually copy-paste) that message from my SCA gmail address to the people who needed it.

Part of the reason the event paperwork took till today to finish is that it was a particularly busy week at work. We had a short course on Thursday and Friday for using iolite, which was really useful. This was actually the second time I attended a course on this program--the last time was in Prague. This time, however, we flew the teacher here, and he gave a focused lesson to just those parts of the program that we will need. I learned a number of new things, and my two Master's students, who will be using the laser, were both very happy with what they learned in the course and looking forward to starting their research after Christmas break.

In other news, it has finally snowed! only 10 to 15 cm, but the world looks much better, and I did some shoveling yesterday. Sadly, my phone predicts that it will be warm again in the next few days, so we run the risk of losing this snow, too. I hope it won't be another one of those winters.

*weird computer problem: google products are broken on my home computer. All other web pages work perfectly, but while I can sometimes open my gmail or google calendar on this computer, I can't actually do anything with them. Any attempt to actually read or send a message or add a new item to the calender results in a "something's not right" error message. So I have been resorting to using my phone or my work computer to do things in these web services. Do any of you know how I can solve this?
I already tried (back when the problem first appeared) clearing the cash and re-installing the browser I used to use (Chrome), and it didn't help, and then I tried changing browsers--it fixed it for a couple of hours, but now Opal has the same problem, and I haven't had time to try anything else to fix it.

uni work, sca, iolite, norrskensfesten, short course

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