no time, so posting anyway

Nov 17, 2016 15:39

I have been quite busy with getting ready for Norrkskensfesten this weekend, getting a new computer at work (which always takes a week or two to get the new one looking right and able to run all the needed programs), helping some of the new members make their first costumes, and even making time for some good conversations about relationships with my loved ones.

Sadly, it warmed up and rained this week, totally melting all of the snow we had had. But there was a bit of snow coming down when the sun was setting this afternoon, so if I am very lucky we will get more and it will cool down enough to keep it. But I am not holding my breath.

The schedule for today and tomorrow is complicated a bit due to the need to take the larger of our two cars to the shop today. They figured out one problem that it has, and say that they can have it fixed by noon tomorrow. If all goes well that problem will turn out to be all that it is wrong with it, and it will be ready to go on time. If it is I will pick up the car, load it full of event stuff and head out to site to set up. If not one of my friends who lives north of here will be driving me and as much as we can load into his car for the first trip to the site. It would have been nice to have the car tonight, too, since I will be attending the Frostheim social night to help a few more people with their first costumes, but lord_kjar needs to use his car to drive the shire hot tub out to the site, which process will take a long time, since the tub can't go faster than 40 kph when being towed. (Site is 20 minutes away if one drives the speed limit, which gets up to 100 kph on the highway.) With luck someone else will be able to drive me and the project supplies home this evening.

Now to go bake those cookies before heading to the project night...

car repairs, sca

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