Monday: A walk in the morning, followed by taking the train home from Narvik (seven hours). The first half of the trip I had a delightful conversation with a Scottish woman on her way to Kiruna. Got home just before 18:00 and spent several hours shoveling the snow that had accumulated while we were out of town (
lord_kjar was in Göteborg helping C. pack up her stuff for the move up here), and then stayed up way late visiting with O.
Tuesday: Work, followed by Phire practice. (Acroyoga! Including standing on other people's shoulders, and even being a human barbell for our strong man to pick up from the ground and over-head press.) Followed by choir.
Wednesday: More snow shoveling, followed by work, followed by meeting my personal trainer at 13:00 to get a new work out, followed by more work, then meeting E. for aerial silk training. We do this at the uni gym, in the room one can book for badminton, and one books for an hour at a time. When our hour was nearly up the people who had booked next started arriving, and they didn't want to play badminton either, they were going to do fencing, and didn't mind us hanging from the ceiling in the corner, so said we could stay. Our choir president, who went with us to Finland for the SCA event last month, was one of the fencers. So, of course, I had to point out to him that there will be SCA fencers at the event in Skellefteå in a couple of weeks, if we wants to join us for that. I wound up staying up too late that evening too, chatting over FB to my friend H. in Umeå about Tolkien's elvish language, which he encourages me to study. (It is, in fact, interesting, but I am not certain when I am going to add in time to study anything just now.)
Thursday: Work, the laser Technician returned to do the other repair he noticed needed to happen when he was last here, but didn't have the parts at the time. He was done around lunch time, so I dropped him in Gammelstad so he could do some sightseeing before his flight, and I went home for a much needed nap. Then shoveled more snow, and then went to the Frostheim Social night, where my apprentices helped me drape a pattern for a set of
Thorsbjorg trousers (3685), because I thought they would make good jester trousers for our acroyoga performance at the SCA event in a couple of weeks. (They had been included in the slide show at the talk in Norway, and that inspired me to want a set. Of course I had seen them before, but until I wanted something to wear that would be good for acroyoga, I hadn't thought of making some for me before). Thursday, despite staying up visiting with O. for quite a while, I still managed to get to sleep around 02:30, which was nearly two hours before
lord_kjar and C. finally arrived home with the trailer full of everything she owns.
Friday morning we took it easy and had a leisurely breakfast, then around lunch time
lord_kjar dropped me and O. at uni so I could work and he could head home. (I normally have Friday's off, but since Monday was a travel day, I needed to work.) After work I went to the gym to do the new workout, which my trainer had finally sent me the pdf for that afternoon, followed by Phire training, including a bit of juggling, some acroyoga, some fan dance, and some aerial silks. It was a great turn out, and the gym was quite full.
Saturday was a laundry day, and I finished up the hardest part of the pattern: the feet. once I was happy with the whole pattern, I cut out the trousers in some blue/black/white/grey striped wool twill I bought years ago (when living in Italy) and started the assembly--three hours of hand sewing was enough to get the seat attached and both legs stitched shut (but not finished). Then I selected some leather from the scrap leather box and cut out the feet bottoms, but by then I was too tired to do more that night.
Today I did a small phone app workout, followed by pinning the leather feet bottoms to the trousers and sewing one of the feet on before it was time to meet E., O., and A. for more practice. She and I did acro yoga, and the boys practiced double staff stuff, taking breaks now and then when she and I wanted to try new/dangerous/tricky stuff and needed spotters to make certain she didn't drop me on my head or something. I need to work on more wrist strength stuff--getting from the bat pose (hanging from my hips from her upraised feet) to the side star (laying horizontally across her upraised feet), requires a fair bit of arm/wrist strength to push myself up into position. But so much fun! We have started deciding which poses we will use for the performance at the SCA event in Skellefteå in a couple of weeks, and my apprentice #2 will play La Belle pavane on her chalumeau (medieval clarinet) for background music.
This evening is folk dance, but we will be there a couple of hours early, because this is the week that we are going to do filming of all of the dances our teacher has choreographed, so that she will have a record, and so that people other places can learn them. For this reason C. won't be coming along, since she hasn't trained in those dances, and she wants to do more organizing of stuff, but she will normally come along to dance, I think.
Next weekend we might head to Umeå for the folk festival, depending on if they have recovered from packing and the road trip up from the south, and the following week I head to Italy for a week. The weekend after that is the event, for which we need the acroyoga routine ready, so we had better find time to practice between now and then.