a peaceful walk through the forest

Dec 16, 2015 14:36

Monday evening I went to bed early, since I wasn't feeling well, and woke in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, which appears to have been enough to chase away whatever virus had dared to try to infiltrate, because I have been feeling pretty good since then. Tuesday morning I had the energy to do my morning phone-app workout before work, but I choose not to try walking or biking, since I knew that I would have my first meeting with my personal trainer that afternoon, and I wanted to be certain that I still had energy when the time came.

It worked, and the meeting went well. The session was mostly about him seeing what I can and cannot already do in terms of balance, flexibility, and strength, and he gave me a few things to work on at home over the holidays. The real workout program will begin in January.

After the meeting I returned to my office, ate a quick lunch, and worked another couple of hours. Then I had a light snack and went over to the Phire practice and hung out for a bit. No aerial silks on Tuesdays, since we are in the Dramasalan, not the gym, and there isn't a place we can hang them (but we did brain storm some possibilities), but I did pass on the exercises I was given to S, who would love a personal trainer, but student budgets don't stretch that far. If I make a habit of working with her, I will, in theory, better remember what he taught me.

Then I spent the rest of the evening helping V with the last of the sewing for his costume for the new Star Wars movie premier, while O worked on painting the accessories for his. It would have been smart to head home early, but I was having fun, and we were making good progress on the costume, so I stayed till we were done, and then went home and did yoga, and finally got to sleep somewhere after midnight.

This morning I again had the energy to do my morning workout, but I didn't get out of bed early enough to walk or bike in, so I got a ride with lord_kjar. To make up for it I took the scenic route home from work today--through the forest of the Nature Reserve. It takes a bit longer (53 minutes vs 45), but totally worth it for the increased beauty. The mid-day sun at this time of the year does clear the horizon, but not the tree line, so the forest is well lit, but in an ethereal way, with lots of dusky purple, pink, and blue tones to the snow. Since temperatures today are around -10 C the trees were all lightly coated with ice, letting them partake in the light show.

Not that we have much snow yet--the total accumulation is not more than 4 or 5 cm, but it is enough to make the world pretty. And to show the tracks of everything. That path is mostly used by people, dogs, skiers, and, in the latter part, snow machines, but deer and rabbit have also crossed the path.

This evening I will be joining some of the Phire guys for the movie, which is a good opportunity to use the movie gift certificate I was given for my birthday. I didn't need to make a new costume--I still have the jedi-inspired robes we made for a party my first year in Sweden, and, of course, there is a light saber in the sword cupboard...

nature, costuming, fitness, health, star wars, adventures, forest

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