Mom is here!

Sep 14, 2015 23:00

My mother made it here safely this afternoon around 16:00, I took her home, fed her fresh-baked blueberry/raspberry/almond filled bread, juustuo, and (after a short break to digest the first bit) spaghetti, then took her to nyckleharpa night, where we got to listen to beautiful Swedish folk music, and finally sent her to bed at 22:00 our time, so, with luck, she will be adjusted to the new time zone straight away.

Tomorrow evening we will bring her to choir with us. Wednesday afternoon we will head back out to the home of the Nyckleharpa teacher so mom can give it a try. Thursday is SCA night at the Uni, and Friday I have invited everyone I could find on FB who is local to me over to our house to meet her. I suspect that by the time she gets home a month from now she will be grateful for the easier social schedule of driving my nieces to school and all of their various extra curricular activities.

Now I need to do my yoga and get some sleep so I will be able to keep up with the schedule I have set her, and make it to work in the mornings too.

mom, adventures, music night

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