Back when I first started doing hand-sewing and embroidery I always took my sewing to classes, meetings, bardic circles, parties, etc. As a result I am conditioned to sew while my brain is busy listening to things or participating in conversation, or something. Unless I am in a really difficult part of a project that takes 100% focus to figure out how to do what needs doing, I pretty much don't sew unless I have company.
My current major progress is a cloak for the Norrskensbard, and as such it needs to be done by mid November, when we hold Norrskensfest and the competition to choose the first Norrskensbard. This being a large project I have been doing the applique by standing* at the kitchen table, with the cloak spread out flat across it. However, this means that I have had to work on the project in solitude for much of the time, since if
lord_kjar and I are both home and it is one of those rare occasions we aren't working on a project together, then he is likely at the computer in the office working on things there (often whilst watching cartoons or educational videos on youtube.
With smaller sewing projects I can sit next to him on the recliner while he works and make progress sewing, but the cloak is not a good lap-project if I want the applique to go well. Therefore this morning we made yet another raise-lower table by cutting down one of the large curved desk tops into a smaller rectangle and adding the legs. It is now just big enough to be in the area between the computers and the garb & fabric closets, so I can have company whilst I sew.
Not that we've had time to test this yet, as he is working on building a thing to compress cut grass from the field to make a better/larger archery target then the first prototype he did a few days ago. I helped, until I managed to fail an intelligence test and get hit in the head by a block of wood tossed by a circular saw, and decided to go harvest some more nettles for drying instead. They are now in the dehydrator, and I have updated the world on how things are going (pretty good over all, and the bump on my head doesn't even hurt, since the blood was able to get out, so it isn't bruised), so now I will go check to see how his project is coming...
*we got quite a few raise-lower desks when a local business was throwing them out, so we put one of the pairs of legs onto the kitchen table so that the work surface could be any height we want it to be at a given moment.