I managed to do a fair bit of uni work on Saturday, but, to be fair, I had no distractions that day.
lord_kjar went down to his parent's house to fix his dad's computer. I would have liked to have gone along, because, of course there was visiting happening as well. But the year is ending, and with it my project, and while I could have brougt my computer along pretty much everything that needed doing works better with two monitors, so I opted to be responsible and stay home and work.
Sunday we devoted to a home improvment project. The bed he has had since before we met has never been quite long enoug for him, and the ends of his feet have always stuck out past the end of the matress. So we made it bigger. We built a wooden frame, which we attached to the end of the wooden base to the under matress, and filled it with foam to the same height as the matress, and rotated the bed, so now the width of the bed is the the six feet wide as the length used to be (he is 6'2", which is where the problem was), and the length is now a good bit longer. I am quite happy with the result.
Monday the PhD student in the next office had her "Licientaie Examen", which is much like the thesis defense at the end of a PhD, but is done at the half way point, and conferers a lesser degree. Needless to say, it was necessary to go in to the office so I could attend. I did manage work before her examen, and more before the fika (with cake) to celebrate her success, but not so much as if I had stayed home and worked. (As an asside, it was ever so much easier to resist cake at similar functions in the US and Australia, where they are very sweet and frosted withnasty sugar frosting, but here, where the cake isn't so sweet and itis covered with jam and a layer or cream thicker than the cake, held on with a sheet of marzipan, or else covered with fruit, nuts, and a layer of pudding.)
Then in the evening
linda_linsefors flew in to spent her winter holiday with us. Today I should have gone in because one of the PhD students was defending her thesis, but I opted to stay home and get work done, which, despite having her here with, me, since she ahad plent of physics work to do. I feel bad about missing the defense though, even if is was for a student I don't know so well. In fact, it would have been interesting to go, since I have no idea what she has been researching, but if I had I wouldn't have both finished the revisions to the introduction of my paper (and sent it off to my collegue for comment) and done the second powerpoint presentation for the conference in January.
Tomorrow I will go in for the third defense of the week, and see how much I can accomplish in the office in between.