Since last I posted I have (with lots of help from
lord_kjar) managed to:
*Get most of the programs I use regularly back onto my work computer after the IT department reinstalled it.
*Got the music/dance room emptied of boxes and musical instruments hung up on the wall.
*took photos of that part
The main length of the room is empty for dancing, save for the corner cabinet to hold music stuff, and the piano and wall above it full of instruments:
The room is L-shaped, so the short part of the L has a bench for people to rest on between dances, and they nyckleharpas hang on the wall. There is room inside the bench for cases for most of the instruments (not one of the two nyckleharpa cases, nor the hammer dulcimer case-they have to go elsewhere, but we are only borrowing the nycklharpas during the course we are taking, which ends in January-at that point we will return one and purchase the other, and then we will need only one case for it):
The other wall of the short segment of the L is windows (they look out onto my beautiful tree!), my yoga mat, and in one corner my hammer dulcimer and in the other his keyboard. It is delightful to do yoga while he plays. When we have lots of dancers over we can roll up the yoga mat to make the dance space larger.
*Unpacked all the suitcases and boxes of clothes and SCA costumes and hung them up or put them into drawers, as appropriate.
*Finished assembling the hardcover bookshelves and got all of those books onto the shelves
*Put the large metal cabinet for shop stuff back together
*Organized the Server Closet/SCA store room so that computer stuff is on the back shelves and SCA camping gear is on the front shelf
*Took the handles off of all of the doors we have taken down and put them all into the other large downstairs closet for storage
*Turned the handle on the sauna door over (it is made of a chunk of wood with a curved branch sticking out of it) so that towels can hang on the branch, rather than sliding off of it to the floor
*Decided we need to do to re-build the paperback shelves into a wall in the middle of the bedroom, creating me a walk-in closet.
*Purchased some power tools that will be needed for re-building the bookshelf into a walk-in closet
*Re-assembled the set of shelves we took out of the server closet and set them up in one of the sheds, with boxes on it to organize our recycling before we take it to town (we have trash pick-up here for the composting and the "burnable" rubbish, but the recycling we have to carry away ourselves.
*Walked between home and Uni seven times (for a total of 28 km)
*Scheduled the housewarming party and sent out some invitations (see next, friend's-locked post for details)
We are both enjoying having a weekend with nothing else on the calendar (other than tomorrow's regularly scheduled folk music and dance) so that we can catch up on stuff-much of that got done in the evenings after work, but we got a fair bit more done today, I think.
Next week we only have evenings available because there is a local SCA event on the weekend, which we are looking forward to. The Queen is flying up for it, and I promised her I would bring her bedding, a cloak, and some feast gear, so that she doesn't have to carry such heavy stuff in her luggage.