My back had been feeling mostly kinda ok by the time I went to bed last night. But poor
lord_kjar is in the cough alot stage of the cold he picked up coming home from his class in Scotland (I am blaming the detour to France, on the grounds that when I went to a conference in France I came home with a cold, but, of course, there is no way to know where/when he was actually exposed to the virus, though air travel is a likely culprit--lost of people in close confinement, breathing recycled air), so I couldn't snuggle up against him. I have found during the week and a half since hurting my back at fighter practice that if I sleep snuggled up against him, with one leg over his legs that I wake up feeling pretty good, but if I have to sleep alone or only on my side of the bed then I hurt more than when I went to bed.
This morning it was a case of even more hurting--when I woke up my back hurt as much as it has done all 1.5 weeks. I think that the problem is that when I lay on my tummy (proper sleeping position) the bed is just soft enough to curve my lower back a tiny bit so the hips are a fraction higher with respect to my spine than they should be. Hold that for a few hours and all of the lower back muscles knot up in protest. Ow! I woke up needing to pee a bit before 06:00, and could barely move. So I had a hot shower, and
lord_kjar did his best to try, with his very limited energy given he spent much of the night coughing, to massage my back a bit, and I put on some tiger balm. Then he piled all of my pillows and the couch pillows on the yoga mat, and I lay down over them, arching my back over the pile, with one leg bent to help make the position comfortable. I then fell happily asleep and didn't wake again till nearly 09:00, by which time the serious muscle pain between the waist and hips had abated and I was left with only the minor lower back pain. Needless to say I am much happier, and I am thinking seriously of sleeping in that position on the floor again tonight, especially if he is still coughing.
Luckily I had brought my computer home from the office yesterday, so there is a chance I can get some useful work done today, despite these issues.