Yesterday I posted to my
other blog about some large garnets mentioned in an article I was reading. Soon thereafter I got a comment from another geologist, who said that he's often been underwhelmed when taken to see large garnets, which are rarely as big as "they" claim they will be. So I e-mailed the author of the paper (who is at an Australian University) and asked if he had any photos. He sent me some, with permission to
post them on the blog, and commented that he'd heard that I'd moved to Italy to start a post doc with my boss (mentioned by name), and suggested that the garnet-location in question isn't that far from Milan and I should go visit it.
I was actually surprised that he knew who I was and where I was going for work, because until I was given his paper by my boss, I hadn't yet been made aware of his name. However, having enjoyed his paper, and seen the list of other things he researches, you can bet that I'll remember it and look for other publications of his--he does interesting stuff!