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Jul 18, 2009 21:18

I had planned to spend the weekend getting in as much progress as possible on the stack of reading my boss has given me. I have been reading, but not uni stuff. You see, blamebrampton went and talked about azkatrazathome in her journal, and I asked questions and then went and joined, so I've been happily reading the various discussions, short stories, and the tag-team longer piece of fiction in progress in between reading other stuff on LJ, Facebook and e-mail. The only progress I've made on uni reading has been while at home, since I've been leaving the computer at the office (there being no internet at home, and I'm only going home to make more food or sleep) and heading back and forth as often as necessary (it is only 0.4 km from one door to the other, though there are also a total of 5 flights of stairs between the two buildings).

I was up late last night with the above reading, which is good because it meant I was in the office at 22:30 when clovis_t called to say he'd changed his plans and was coming to Italy sooner than anticipated. When he told me he'd be here at 22:50 today, I decided I may as well stay up late last night and sleep in today, as I'd likely be up late tonight (though, of course, when I thought that it was in terms of "late tonight and sleep in tomorrow in anticipation of being up late tomorrow...).

Yesterday afternoon I went to a store which sells kitchen toys and picked up a decent steamer pot, figuring that the steaming basket would also make a decent pasta strainer, so it is a multi-purpose tool. I also got a single knife, cutting board, and spatula. Why didn't I make time to reserve one box of useful things I'd need right away and air-mail that ahead? Oh, yah, that's right--too busy trying to finish that thesis. This morning I went to the natural food store I found to pick up a couple of things I needed, and on my way out took some trash down to the cans. While there I discovered a bag next to the cans full of old beat up pots and pans and a thing for squeezing fresh orange juice. Having pretty much nothing in my kitchen, I, of course, took it. Now I've got one nice pot, and a few icky ones to use if I need more than one. They can be passed on when my stuff arrives. Which will take ages, as I'm told it is still sitting in Melbourne and hasn't been loaded onto a ship yet.

This afternoon I celebrated having a cooking pot by cooking up some lentils, rice, tofu, and the last of the fresh veg I'd purchased at the market on Monday (well, save the carrots--they will keep). It was quite nice, and there is enough to last the rest of the weekend, and I'll have the space in the fridge for Monday's fresh fruit/veg. It is now time to head off to the train station to meet clovis_t, my first house-guest since moving to Italy. I wonder who will be next?

visitors, fiction, food

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