I can't really account for it, but yesterday pretty much didn't happen as far as uni work was concerned. I sort of flailed around during the first part of the day alternating between useful tasks around the house and diversionary internet based personal correspondence. Then I helped out
clovis_t's dad by sticking flyer's for this weekend's open winery (in conjunction with some big wine weekend all over southern Tassie) wherein he will be offering wine tastings and discounts to anyone from the local neighbourhood who decides to purchase. I'm told the wine we make
here is quite good (I wouldn't know--I never could stand the smell or taste of wine). After that I finally settled down to the computer and started opening programs to really work. That is when the internet decided to quit working, and the task I'm currently doing requires that I be able to open ArcMap so that I can look at the records of where each of the analyses points on the sample are located, and ArcMap only works if I'm connected through the University network and it can access the licence located in the geology department. So I gave it up as a bad day, played with my Hammer Dulicmer a bit, did yoga, and went to bed at a reasonable hour.
This morning I started my day early with a jog around the block, and then started doing useful uni stuff. I managed to do all of the calculations needed for not one but two samples from the Forth area and updated the thesis accordingly. This means that chapter four (the short chapter) is now 137 words longer than it was. Thanks to
baronsnorri I did take a break this evening for a walk, and explored a neighbourhood path I only just noticed for the first time yesterday whilst delivering the flyers. The "pedestrian access to Allens Rivulet" turns out to be just that--one can access a very short stretch of the rivulet, with cleared track way and were one not wearing sandals and a long skirt, could, potentially, fight one's way though the brush further along the creek. Between my occasional walks and the dancing I've been doing recently February's exercise log is finally looking reasonable--I've managed to bring the average/day for this month up to just over my average/day for the whole PhD project. Granted, that is only because the first year and a half of the project I didn't get much exercise. One can so easily tell were during the project I started keeping records on the computer and watching the graphs! Paper exercise logs encourage one to do *something* lest it become necessary to record doing nothing, but they are no where near as effective as watching a graph grow or shrink in response to one's choices!
My eyes are now sore from a long day mostly at the compute working, so, if I'm sensible, I'll turn off the computer and go to sleep. If I'm not sensible I'll give in to the impulse to go read more fiction first.