Jun 22, 2006 10:24
*sigh* Aren't sub teacher's the coolest? We have all of about 4 people in Food Tech today, so we're just sitting around in the computer room, looking up random websites ^_^
Eurrgh! It's like 10:30am.. Waaay too early to be awake. I want to go back to bed, where it's nice and warm. In fact, I think I'll fake a sicky at the end of recess, and go home! I came to school at 9:30 but just bummed around for half an hour, because I had Bio and really didn't want to go.
Ah, teacher's coming.. Gotta go >_<
Edit: This entry wasn't that long, and since it's still the same day, I thought I'd just add more here rather than start a new one. It's after school now, and I didn't end up going home "sick". I'm going to use my sick days for when I really need them (aka, when I have an assignment due, and I haven't done it).
I think I might get my half yearly report tomorrow. I was hoping we wouldn't get them until after the holidays, because I don't want to spend my two-week holiday grounded >_<
Big Brother is on now. We're going to see the intruders go in now. God that Lauren chick is such a skank. She said: "I really hate skanky girls who dresh trashy". Five seconds later it shows her laying on the beach all seductively, wearing a tiny little bikini. Jeez.. skank much?
I have 13 chapters worth of questions about 'The Chrysalids' book, due tomorrow. I haven't started yet, and I don't even think I have the question sheet. I'm so screwed. That "sick" day is looking really good about now.. ^_^