Apr 15, 2008 14:05
the weather is beautiful outside! And how often can I say that about TX weather? Just wait until it gets to 90 degrees and I start bitching about it..
It's a sunny 76 degrees outside and it couldn't get much better. unless I found a dog park with wifi and outlets so I could work on my research paper whilst Tesla ran around like a madman :(
Zilker Park actually has a leash-free area (the soccer area) with the City of Austin's free wireless but I've heard it's spotty and Zilker Park is a good 20 - 25 minutes away from me. Also, my 3-year-old laptop can only make it 45 minutes when unplugged. So unless I want to waste more time watching Tesla at a dog park for 2 hours (like I did yesterday), I can't go anywhere. I gots to stay home and work.. and let Tesla be bored.
It's okay.. yesterday, I found a tick in the corner of his eye when we got back from Bull Creek, so maybe no outdoors action is good for him.