Jun 05, 2005 12:59
i feel pretty good today...i know i have nine days left of school and i will let myself make the most of my last days at stevenson. i dont look at it as im running away from all the shit there i look at it as my first try didnt work so now i need to start over. yeah i know ive grown up around 70% of the people there but you gotta do what you gotta do. i mean that school is so bad its not even funny the people there are just wow...its amazing we havent had something like a school shooting, i mean i know thats horrible but thats just how everyone is. its cool thought because that school can get worse with out me. im going to take a deeper look on exchanging schools or see how the whole homeschooling thing would be set up.
i finally got the picture of highschool, to most people its about how many friends they have but in reality youll see like 2 of them after highschool is over. yeah that finally sunk in, your not there to impress people your there to build for your future.
i thought my attitude would be horrible after this but actually im doing pretty good, i know its gunna take awhile to get out of my head but ill just keep moving forward. im not hurt by it because its happened before and i know how that makes me feel. i did what was right even if that meant loosing more then one friend. i was told by like 20 people i did the right thing. im not worried about it and through the rest of the nine days left if they wanna talk shit be my guest ill just ignore it.
i guess ill start hanging out with amber more and see how that goes, and ive got other friends i should hang out with more too that i really never hang out with. so ill just become closer to all of them and make sure if and when i do transfer schools i dont forget about them
this is your life...are you who you wanna be
i've found that finding something positive in every situation makes life a hell of a lot more enjoyable