Mar 17, 2005 17:45
Layers of me...
LaYeR oNe:
-- name: Carrie
-- birthplace: Michigan
-- current location: Michigan
-- eye color: umm, greenish
-- hair color: reddish brown
-- height: 5'6"
-- righty or lefty: righty
-- zodiac sign: Capricorn
LaYeR tWo:
-- your heritage: German, Irish, Polish, and ???
-- your weaknesses: being stressed out
-- your fears: losing people who are close to me, being alone, spiders, ferris wheels, and water that's over my head
LaYeR tHrEe:
-- your most overused phrase on AIM: haha, loser, mmhm, and like (i hate that word with an effing passion though, im trying my best not to use it)
-- your thoughts first waking up: "effff, i just want to sleep..."
-- your best physical feature: hmm. i don't like me very much.
-- your bedtime: too late most nights
-- your favorite memory: lots of fun times with the cross team, and recently just hanging out with friends
LaYeR FoUr:
-- pepsi or coke: pop does bad things to me
-- mcdonald's or burger king: fast food is gross
-- single or group dates: Single
-- adidas or nike: Nike...heck yesss Nike pegasus running shoes...i think i'm on my 5th pair lol
-- lipton ice tea or nestea: Lipton's
-- chocolate or vanilla: definately chocolate, or if its icecream vanilla with lots of chocolate stuff on top
-- cappuccino or coffee: cappuchino...mmm starbucks
LaYeR FiVe:
-- smoke: i run, so hell no
-- cuss: when i'm angry or upset
-- sing: i love singing, but i'm told that i'm the worst singer people have ever heard, so i try to cut back around other people
-- take a shower everyday: as long as i'm not lazy...i usually have to or i feel gross
-- have a crush: yeahhhhh
-- do you think you've been in love: ummm i don't know
-- want to go to college: psh no, i want to be a bum and work the streets down by 8 mile =)
-- like(d) high school: parts yes, this year has been wayyy better than the previous ones, but it certainly isn't as great as people said it would be
-- want to get married: eventually
-- believe in yourself: oh heck yesss i do (which means no)
-- get motion sickness: not really
-- think you're attractive: some days
-- think you're a health freak: more than any one else i know, so sure
-- get along with your parent(s): we have out moments
-- like thunderstorms: i love them, especially running in there, or listening to them when i'm falling asleep
-- play an instrument: used to play the violin and clarinet. now i'm working on the guitar
LaYeR SiX:
in the past month...
-- made out: yea
-- gone on a date: yea
-- gone to the mall: yup, ewww malls
-- eaten an entire box of Oreos: i gave up that crapola for lent
-- eaten sushi: no, but ive tried it and i htink its pretty good
-- been on stage: me + onstage = not good at all
-- been dumped: no
-- gone skating: its too icy or i would have
-- made homemade cookies: mmmm cookies... no =(
-- gone skinny-dipping: psh i roll around in the snow naked every day, does that count?
-- dyed your hair: no but i need to soon
-- stolen anything: yup, police caution tape from detroit
LaYeR SeVeN:
have you ever...
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: yes sir
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: nope, never drank.
-- been caught "doing something": not really
-- been called a tease: i don't think so
-- gotten beaten up: haha no. i avoid such things cuz im a wimp
-- shoplifted: nope
-- changed who you were to fit in: not on purpose, sometimes i guess i act different depending on how comfortable i am around the group of people
LaYeR EiGhT:
in a significant other...
-- best eye color?: green or blue
-- best hair color?: brown
-- short or long hair: long and messy
-- height: taller but not ginormous
-- best body part: big toes are pretty i don't know
-- best first date location: dinner/movie
-- best first kiss location: like everyone else has said, doesnt really matter as long as everything else is right
LaYeR NiNe:
-- Numbers and Names of Children: kids scare me
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: one where everyone i care about is at someplace pretty
-- How do you want to die: id be rpretty cool if i died running some race when i was 104 or something, otherwise i don't know i dont think about that
-- Where you want to go to college: DePauw seems to be where im headed...
What do you want to be when you grow up: sports doctor maybe
-- What city would you most like to visit: Australia, or the whole spend a month in Europe thing, or join Liz on her cruise around the this question said city...oh well
LaYeR tEn:
--# of people kissed: 3
--# of drugs taken illegally: none
--# of bfs/gfs: 2
--# of people I could trust with my life: hmmm... a few...
--# of CDs that I own: too many to bother counting
--# of piercings: 3
--# of tattoos: none
--# of scars on my body: 2 that actualyl count for something from when they had to fix my kidneys
--# of things in my past that I regret: nothing really, i've learned from my mistakes so i'm ok with the fact that i made them