Jul 18, 2003 17:15
I used to think that I was very good at understanding people. I always was so sure that I could figure out anyones motivations for doing the things that they do. But now, I think I just don't know anyone at all. Only myself. And even myself I don't know. Why are so many people so damn selfish, and all they can think about is themselves? How much money they can make, how many women/men they can sleep with, how much power they can hold... I just don't understand. And then it's the people who think about others who get screwed. Maybe that's why no one wants to think about anyone except themselves anymore. Because they are afraid of getting walked all over. It's so sad. But I don't think anyone can be happy until they learn to think about OTHER people as well as themselves. And congratulations to anyone who achieves that...
My problem is, I've surrounded myself with people who are like that. And it's really taking a lot out of me. And I really need to get out. But I don't know how. So I'll keep going my way until I have just one opportunity to get out of here, that's all I need. Then I'll leave without turning back...