(no subject)

May 23, 2003 23:58

Costa rica is coming up fast, that is really exciting... two and a half weeks in something that could be a paradise, or a utopia as you will.

I graduated today too, that wasn't really all that exciting. Kind of... a freedom though. Now that I got past that hurdle, that one thing that was holding me in new jersey, I can do whatever I want. If I just decided to one day drive... and keep driving... I could.... I can do anything.

Tomorrow i'm going to be sending out applications... everywhere. Then I can see where the north wind is going to blow me... maybe austrailia? Who knows... kind of exciting... and kind of scary. I don't know how much I'm going to miss actual college life... I mean, i'll miss my apartment and some of my roommates, but... I kinda want a REAL apartment. And no roommates, no offense to the ones I had :) I Just really want to try living by myself.

well, time for me to get off the computer now... peace peace peace to you live journal readers....
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