Apr 28, 2003 21:53
Cloning. I admit, cloning has some VERY good possibilities... helping cure certain diseases, regrowing body parts, getting rid of cancer or alzheimers... and it is possible it could have some BAD possibilities... attempting to breed a race of "super children" genetically "perfect" in the eyes of some. Now, personally, I don't think cloning should be banned just for the possibility of what MIGHT happen, because as of NOW, they are using it for research for diseases, not to breed super children. (as far as I know) Now, I sure hope that cloning will never be used to genetically improve people, because I can't really see how that would turn out well... plus, it would probably only be the rich people who would have these "super children" because they would be the only ones who could AFFORD it... so not only would the rich be RICH, but they would be SMARTER than everyone else too! The rich would end up taking over the world! THAT can't be good...
Now, there is a problem with cloning even to cure disease. At least, I'm seeing a potential problem. Less people will die. Not that I'm saying that I think everyone should die, far from it. I think saving lives is GREAT, curing cancer, alzheimers, aids, all of that would be absolutely great! But... the world is SADLY overpopulated as it is.... what would happen if people stopped dying from these diseases that take so many of us right now? Those people wouldn't die... then they would possibly have CHILDREN, and add a great deal to the population. We're gonna run out of space... Which will lead us to start looking for a place to live else where... who knows? At the bottom of the ocean? (we'll have to stop dumping!) inside of the earth? (I'd miss the sun!) On another planet?
OR, if that DOESN"T happen, it might be so that again, only the rich could afford to be cured from these diseases. The poor would continue to die from cancers etc, while the rich would be given another shot at life. And again, the rich would RULE THE WORLD! Also, will cloning eventually lead us to figure out a way to LIVE LONGER?! Again, if less of us die from even OLD AGE, think of how many more people are going to be on this planet! A whole lot of OLD, RICH, HEALTHY people!
So, if we are going to do this... I think eventually we're going to have to start putting a limit on the number of children we have. It will probably end up being only one per couple, like in china.... or even worse, you might end up having couples drawing LOTS to see who will be allowed to reproduce!
I guess most people who read this can tell that I think OVER POPULATION is one of the worst and fastest growing problems we are facing. Of course, I'm not going to say it is THE worst problem, but it is definitely up there. Over population means less food, less housing, more trees and RAINFORESTS being cut down for lumber and space for building, over population leads to MORE WARS, because when you are in close quarters with people, you tend to be more cranky, and want to make more space for yourself so you take over another country and kill everyone in it, or you just cause trouble because you're in a bad mood... I know that I am not that happy when I'm in a place that has TOO many people in it! I barely like going HOME because sometimes I feel like it is WAY too crowded! And THAT might cause me to get a little cranky... just think if the whole world is like that! Imagine if you couldn't go outside, or ANYWHERE, and just be by yourself... someone would ALWAYS be there... NO way, that would be my version of HELL I think. I will ALWAYS need time on my own. If I couldn't have THAT anymore, I would probably lose my mind! Which is ACTUALLY why when I was YOUNGER I never thought I would ever want to get married... I thought I would just end up getting sick of the guy :) And I told myself, well, if I DO get married, we have to live in separate houses! Hahahaha! I need my space, and no guy is going to take THAT from me! Of course, now I'm thinking that if I ever find anyone I want to marry, as long as we have our own rooms I'd be fine. I NEED MY OFFICE DAMMIT! Hahaha! My mom had an office when she used to live with us :) It was in the room right next to her and my dad's bedroom, and we (my sisters and I) were always MAD at that cause we wanted to have our OWN rooms, and because of that OFFICE it was IMPOSSIBLE! But I liked her office, and with four brats running around (me one of them, of course!) I can see why she wanted it :) My poor DAD didn't have a room to himself, not then at least. Well, while I'm at college, he uses my room in the basement as his personal music room... he's got a really nice setup in there :) He probably HATES it when I come home! But he's got his own BEDROOM now anyway since my mom moved out, so he should be HAPPY WITH THAT!
Hmmm, I really got way off subject here, didn't I? I started off with cloning, and ended up talking about my dads music room....
Isn't it funny though, that's how real conversations work! It's like I'm just TALKING to MYSELF here!! One subject leads to a slightly different subject, and that goes to another slightly different one, and then eventually you are talking about something so completely off base from what you were ORIGINALLY talking about...
Well, I guess that's enough from me. It's my friends birthday today, so I have to write a HAPPY BIRTHDAY e-mail!
don't stop cloning,
:) :) :) :) :)