Summer To-Do List

Jun 12, 2008 20:25

Okay, I feel my summer can officially begin now.  My last day at work was May 30, but then I had my gifted endorsement classes the next week.  Hallelujah, the crap is over!  Why did I do this again?  For the increase in pay?  Nope, there's not one.  The high-level classes?  Already have them.  The PLUs for my license?  Have more than I need.  Oh, yeah.  It's to make the county money hand-over-fist.

But I digress.  Okay, so the official beginning of summer was really this week.  But I've been lazy and not doing much other than going to the gym and hanging out with my mom.  So here's what I have to do between now and August 4, when I report back to work.  I've divided it up into "must do" and "would like to do"

Must Do
1.  Rework Economics down to 9 weeks, instead of the 18 that I have been teaching it in.
2.  Rework AP Government into a year-long format, instead of the one semester that I have been teaching it in.
3.  Attend Katie's wedding - June 21
4.  Attend AP Summer Institute June 18-10 at Marist
5.  Attend AP training July 28-29 somewhere in Hall County
6.  Attend kickball games on saturdays - and don't suck!

Would Like To Do
Wash and wax car  (difficult to do because we're not allowed to water outside.  I can run it through one of those carwash thingies, but doesn't get clean enough for me to then wax it)
Organize pictures
Organize computer files
Build better webpage for my school stuff (my official school one sucks because of the program they use)
Organize/clean home office
Sort through clothes that no longer fit and donate them
Buy clothes that do fit! (this and the former one will be done closer to the beginning of the school year)
Go to Martha's Vineyard with my parents - sometime in July

Okay, that is an ambitious list.  I don't even know if I'll get done with what's on the must do list.  But you are to hold me accountable!  I will post when I have worked toward something or crossed it off.  Hopefully that will be frequently!

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