A look back on my vacation

Jun 04, 2008 19:20

So, two Fridays ago I left for vacation - a trip itinerary that initially didn't seem too out of the ordinary with a week in Orlando at the requisite theme parks and outlet malls and then a week cruise. I had done it tons of time before, what could be different?

I ended up having the best vacation of my life. To me, it felt better than a lot of my trips to Europe just based on the people I met, the time I spent with my family, and what I ended up learning about myself.

During the cruise, I learned how to surf on this thing called a Flowrider and actually got pretty good. I loved it so much I would wake up at 7am, sometimes earlier for 7:30am stretching and meditation class with my mother, and then go to 8:15 advanced surfing class - even though the latter was all made up of guys usually a lot older than me. I became the best girl surfer on a boat of 4000 people, and was included in a best of of the best competition at the end of the week as the only girl entrant. I wasn't as good, but the sports staff said my love and devotion to it earned me a spot with five other guys that had 400 people end up watching me fall, get up, fall again and then moon them in a final jump down.

I did that all because I was the girl who didn't care about how her hair, makeup, nails, clothes, or tan looked. I didn't care about getting scratch marks or gnarly cuts across my knuckles or huge lines of sunburn on my scalp from practicing 2-3 hours a day (despite all being pretty painful). What I really cared about was learning how to stay on the board longer or the next big trick. And that kind of attitude earned me more respect and admiration among the guys around me than any skimpy bikini or set of flat abs.

So, on this vacation, I learned that a)it's okay to be a tomboy, b)tomboys are hella attractive and I should never question otherwise, and finally c) as an aspiring athlete sports enthusiast who works really hard and loves what she does, hot athlete boys want to hang out with me and be my friends.

I am attractive and I don't have to change! Yippee!

Pictures of my surfing glory to come soon. :D
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