I know I'm young, and not supposed to think about kids, and as a topic it scares the crap out of my boyfriend, and that I really should be studying right now.. but
Baby's Named a Bad, Bad Thing stopped me in my tracks from ever thinking about naming future offspring without consulting proper spelling, meaning and general common sense before I announce to the world a title my kids will hold forever (save they somehow wrangle a name-change). Honestly, that former consideration of [normal name] + [english name] and/or [chinese name] + [my last name] + [husband's name] is out the window.
Apparently there are lots of... interestingly minded folks out there getting preggers.
Excerpt from Part VII, Jesus' Mom is no Saint
What I do want is a name that is unique and sounds dignified without being "laughable". What I do NOT want is a name that is so different, it takes a lifetime to get used to. My mother did that to me and I fuss with her about it to this day (I'm almost 34). She named me Zebrena Nanzet (which is a variation of Sabrina Nanzette), which she says she found in a baby book in the late 60s. No matter how much emphasis I put on pronouncing the 'Z' in my first name, people have already started spelling Sabrina. Let me just tell you that I have been cursed with spelling my name everywhere I go. And I do mean everywhere.
We believe you. Poor thing. Having a perfectly normal middle name like Nanzette spelled so strangely.
I love my unique name Jetti.
I border many harbors. Sometimes I'm made of rocks and protect wharfs from the tides!
I knew a couple who likes baby names that are active verbs. They named their daughter Meander, she is called Mea for short. If it would have been a boy they liked the name Run. Another choice for a girl was Harmony.
OK. Number 1: Meander and Run aren't active verbs until they're placed with an object, as in "I meander in delirium thinking 'Run' is a good name." Number 2: I dare...I double dog dare these people to name a girl the verb form of Harmony, Harmonize. I fuckin' dare them! Then have a boy and name him Simonize. Number 3: While I'm at it, I dare them to save everyone the trouble and name Run "The Shits" instead.