Jan 01, 2006 16:04
Well, seeing as I'm forsaking a New Years resolution this year, I'm going to relive my year here...the ups and downs all of it. This could be long-feel free to skim. I'll bold whats important. Or just ignore it all together, your choice. haha.
This time last year I was sleeping on Brandon T. on the way home from up north. Boy was that a party! haha. Thats still one of the favorite parties I've been too-even with all of the puking and cleaning. Theres really nothing like being with your friends in the northwoods on New Years.
Christmas last year (the 7th, as always), wasn't great, wasn't bad. My older relatives all cried as always, and everyone fought about there being too many presents, and such. Since my Grandpa died, Christmas is really not a holiday to look forward to, its something to get through. Thats something of a bummer.
And, flash forward to Valentines Day. I tease Nate about this all the time, because I was barely coasting through my 2 month freak out session (given that I had never dated anyone beyond 2 months), and was ready to dump him at the tiniest provocation. Marie listened to a lot of bitching on my part about that. Nate conducted Operation Alligator Love, which was him sneaking candy and that big stuffed alligator under my windshield wipers sometime during the night, and surprising me in the morning. That little bit of quirky creativity probably kept me sane until I stopped being such a moron. haha.
March (I think it was march) was the ski trip to Colorado with the Hayes's (minus Katy...poo to you! haha) and Bentley. It was so much fun! We spent the week in constant pain from more than one less-than-intelligent skiing decision, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We found some of the best powder shoots on the mountain, including one called Flying Z, which was a double black, tree, powder run. Soo much fun. And it certainly helps that it was warm enough for only a longsleeve and snow pants. This vacation still goes down as one of my best, ever. I would give anything to go back this year.
April, my birthday. Birthdays tend to not be my best day of the year, and this year started out as no exception. My parents and I were fighting a lot, and I believe at one point, i was told to "forget my birthday" Lucky for me, on the actual day, Marie and Becca threw the surprise birthday party during lunch. It was so much fun, again, thank you guys for that! My 18th wound up being a lot of fun.
March and April both however, were more or less owned by Evita. Even with all the stress, and the little dramas, and the lack of preparation until the last minute, I had so much fun. I miss plays still; it's just a totally different crowd. I did have to sit next to icky old Kyle, the creepy piano player, but I got to play music that was considerably better than that of Blood Brothers, on my part. hahaha. Oh, hey, does anyone have the Evita DVD? I dont know where mine ended up....I'd like to try to burn a copy perhaps. Or better yet, does anyone have MY evita dvd?
May...I cant remember anything in particular standing out in May. Maybe I'll use this to talk about Avalon, which is basically where I spent my senior year. I met some of the most amazing people I think I'm ever going to meet, and I still miss it horribly while i'm gone. Its such an amazing place. I grew as a person, as a riding instructor, and as a rider. By the end of the summer, I was confidently jumping and galloping in the neighbors soccer field, racing Kiara and Steff. I cant wait for summer again. Last years summer was the best, being paid to do what I love.
June, Spain. Three weeks of insanity. I tried some stuff I hadn't before, I spoke a lot of Spanish, saw a concert, ate more pork than I've ever wanted to in my entire life, and had some of the more insane, irresponsible nights of my life. Sometimes I'm amazed I made it through the trip in one piece. There are moments of the trip I regret more than anything-upsetting since I believe in having NO REGRETS. However, even with my mistakes, I'm so glad I went. It was such an eye opening experience, and a lot of fun!
July doesnt particularly stand out either. Again, I worked at Avalon every day, and I went to Summerfest. the standout concert this past year would have to be Violent Femmes, no questions asked. It was one of the single best shows I've ever seen-so much fun. Otherwise, July was sort of a standard summer month - working, riding, hanging out with friends, being with Nate.
August was when the pressure of moving in to school sank in. But before that, I did see Reel Big Fish in concert again. thats always a great show - lots of energy, lots of dancing. I'd see them over and over and over again, without ever questioning it. I guess what really sticks out in August though is saying goodbye. I left Avalon in tears, I hugged all of the horses, praying they'd all still be here when I got back from school. Avalon was one of my hardest goodbyes, because I knew that nothing would ever be the same. Sadly, I was completely right, and sometimes I'd give anything to back to what it used to be. But I have to move forward, and as hard as it is, thats what I'm working on. Loving the memories, but looking toward our future. Other goodbyes-friends was hard, but I knew that nothing would really severly change too badly, and I managed to handle that pretty well. Nate was the impossible goodbye. We had a quiet night, watched the first chick flick of our relationship, and then said goodbye. I cried for hours after he left - sitting out on the lawn in the middle of the night. He gave me a goofy coffee mug with a picture of him on it (knowing Nate, you can imagine the facial expressions in the picture....it makes me laugh everytime) and I still have it sitting on my desk. It cheers me up when I miss him, or I'm stressed.
September was college - it wasn't as scary or shocking for me as I thought. I met a lot of cool people, although I cant say that I really hang out with many of them anymore. Groups have changed in the BLC, but it's probably for the better. Honestly though? Transitioning to college really wasnt that tough for me. I've more or less taken my classes before, and I love meeting new people. There were moments I was homesick, but for the most part, I was very very happy. there was also the Michigan game, which was the single best football game I've ever been too. It was insanely fun!
October was a long long long month. The Barn Dance was the 15th, which meant i literatly volunteered for almost 48 hours straight. We pulled an all nighter, and then worked again all the next two days. It was so much fun though-an Avalon reuniun. The instructor who left flew up for it, as did all of us college kids who left, and all of our old volunteer friends who are still there. With all of us there, it felt like the same old Avalon.
October was also Halloween, which was somewhat overrated. I stayed in the apartment above state street, and had a good laugh at all of the drunks getting gassed and such. It was fun-again, met some pretty cool kids, (Nate and Sam's friends from Oconomowoc). Overall, good times.
November gave me one of the worst weekends of my life. I wont go into it, but everything worked out, thank God. Otherwise, all I remember as far as important November events, was waiting for Thanksgiving break. It seemed like it took forever!
And finally, December. Mostly, christmas break took forever to come. But its here, and I'm loving it. I miss my friends at school, but its so great to be with my friends here. I'm spending a lot of time at Avalon too, which has been, well, interesting. Spent a lot of time with my extended family, most of whom are not doing well. Its awfully upsetting, but hopefully I'm just imaginging it. We'll have to wait and see I guess. Also, December 10 was Nate and my one year, which is crazy. It brought with it a bit of one year freakout on both of our parts, but Nate proved to be an amazing boyfriend all over again....he tortured me for a week, saying he didn't want to see me and such, and basically pissing me off to no end, and then arranged it with some of my friends and roommates so that I'd be around that weekend, and came down and surprised me. It was such a good weekend! and he gave me the most beautiful necklace that I'm absolutely in love with.
You know whats nice about going throgh your year? I got to the end, and I'm realizing that there is absolutely nowhere in my life that I'd rather be than right here, right now.
Theres only us
Theres only this
Forget Regrets
Or life is yours to miss
No other road
No other way
No day but today.