Mar 10, 2004 20:26
mmmm well i guess i should have a lot to say..ready?
opening night was last went pretty well actually. the sound system crashed on a few parts (bright new day especially, and sam's mike) the pit was as quiet as we could be, but it just wasnt quiet enough, which sucked. and umm, there was the fiasco with the pit lights...haha that was exciting. but overall, it went well. i cried again, but this time it was the eyes watering, not the full out tears, which is good. by the end, i'm going to make it all the way through i will!
jeff and me ballroom danced in the cast area, that was fun. i spin weird apparently, who knows. and ummm oh i have a giant knot that wont go away. and thats my story. tomorrow we go on again, i'm excited.
mmm track. today was good, i got to work on knees hurt like no other though, maybe its cause i'm locking them when my lead leg goes over...i'll have to fix that. anywho, tomorrow is time trials and I DONT AHVE TO GO. yahoo! haha. no i'll have to do them on my own some time, which will be tougher. anyway though, got to do hurdles, put me in a good mood. took a 2 hour nap before track too.
and overall, i've had a ton of free time today, and i still didnt do any homework. no math for sure...not good, but i understand this chapter, so whatever. and now i'm online wasting time bfore studying for my us history "quest" tomorrow...haha