
Oct 15, 2012 14:45

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Département des Manuscrits, Français 22913, detail of f.186v. St Augustine, De civitate dei (French translation by Raoul de Presle). 1370-1380.
And he came to the sheepcotes by the way, where was a cave; and Saul went in to cover his feet: and David and his men remained in the sides of the cave. And the men of David said unto him, Behold the day of which the Lord said unto thee, Behold, I will deliver thine enemy into thine hand, that thou mayest do to him as it shall seem good unto thee. Then David arose, and cut off the skirt of Saul’s robe privily. And it came to pass afterward, that David’s heart smote him, because he had cut off Saul’s skirt. - I Samuel 24:3-5

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Français 118, f. 219v (Lancelot embraces Guinevere). Robert de Boron, Lancelot-Graal. 2°. Beginning of the 15th century.

Bibliothèque nationale de France, Français 117, f. 50v. Robert de Boron, Lancelot-Graal. 1° L’Histoire du Saint Graal. Beginning of the 15th century.

Davis, University of California, Davis, Shields Library, Special Collections, UCD BX2080 A2 1497, detail of f. 70r (vigil of the Office of the Dead, possibly retouched). Book of Hours, use of Rome. 1475-1499.

Davis, University of California, Davis, Shields Library, Special Collections, UCD BX2080 A2 1497, detail of f. 73r (Lazarus and poor, thirsty Dives). Book of Hours, use of Rome. 1475-1499.

Philadelphia, Free Library of Philadelphia, Rare Book Department, Lewis E 093, detail of f. 148r (Job on his dungheap visited by Satan). Book of Hours, use of Paris. 1400-1450.

British Library, Royal 19 D VI, detail of f. 3. Guyart des Moulins, Bible historiale complétée (Genesis - Psalms). France, Central (Paris). Between 1418 and 1420.

British Library, Royal 15 E IV, detail of f. 316v (Hugh Dispenser being drawn and quartered after castration). Jean of Wavrin, Recueil des croniques d’Engleterre. France, N. E. (Lille?) and Netherlands, S. (Bruges), c.1470-1480.
“Sir Hugh Spencer, who was nothing beloved, was brought forth before the queen and all the lords and knights, and there before him in writing was rehearsed all his deeds, against the which he could give no manner of answer. And so he was then judged by plain sentence, first to be drawn on an hurdle with trumps and trumpets through all the city of Hereford, and after to be brought into the market-place, whereas all the people were assembled, and there to be tied on high upon a ladder that every man might see him ; and in the same place there to be made a great fire, and there his privy members cut from him, because they reputed him as an heretic and so deemed, and so to be brent in the fire before his face ; and then his heart to be drawn out of his body and cast into the fire, because he was a false traitor of heart, and that by his traitor’s counsel and exhortation the king had shamed his realm and brought it to great mischief, for he had caused to be beheaded the greatest lords of his realm, by whom the realm ought to have been sustained and defended ; and he had so induced the king that he would not see the queen his wife nor Edward his eldest son, and caused him to chase them out of the realm for fear of their lives ; and then his head to be stricken off and sent to London. And according to his judgment he was executed.” [The Chronicles of Froissart translated by G.C. Macaulay (1895)]

British Library, Royal 15 E IV, detail of f. 316v (Queen Isabella and her army.). Jean of Wavrin, Recueil des croniques d’Engleterre. France, N. E. (Lille?) and Netherlands, S. (Bruges), c.1470-1480.

British Library, Royal 15 E IV, detail of f. 180r. Jean of Wavrin, Recueil des croniques d’Engleterre. France, N. E. (Lille?) and Netherlands, S. (Bruges), c.1470-1480.

The Royal Library, Copenhagen. Inc. Haun. 3633 2º. Hartmann Schedel: Liber chronicarum cum figuris (Book of Chronicles). Nürnberg: Anton Koberger, 12 July 1493.

Trinity College, Cambridge. R.15.21, f.44v (“Mars in plate armour with chain mail collar and red surcoat, holding his sword raised in his right hand, with Aries, Scorpio and a star, and a crowd of seven wounded youths”). John de Foxton, Liber Cosmographiae. c1408

Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Cgm 32, f.1. Kalender und Praktika auf die Jahre 1368 - 1405.

Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, BSB Clm 8201 d, image 56. Mettener Regel [the Rule of St Benedict as practised at the Abbey of Metten]. Metten, 1414.


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