Существа на печати.

Apr 21, 2015 13:26

Armed Hero Grasping Kicking Ostrich; Worshiper Behind Two Fish Men with Pollen Baskets Flanking Sacred Tree; God in Winged Sun Disk Above
Cylinder sea and impressionl
Mesopotamia, Neo-Babylonian period
(ca.1000-539 B.C.)

Lion Griffin Attacking Bull; Kneeling Worshiper Below Winged Sun Disk on Altar
Cylinder seal and impression
Mesopotamia, Middle Assyrian period
(ca. thirteenth century B.C.)

The two liberations coincide: On an Assyrian seal, we see the two liberations, of the waters and of the sun, closely associated as if in one event: the rising of the sun supported by the star goddess Ishtar (the morning star Venus) coincides with the joining of the waters from above with the waters from below, in the presence of two apkallu.

Griffin Fighting Griffin Demon Armend with Dagger for Small Calf Below
Cylinder seal
Mesopotamia, Middle Assyrian period
(ca.twelfth/eleventh century B.C.)
42 x 16.5 mm
Seal no. 608

Шумеры и Ко, Существа 2014, Печати

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