Пара стульев.

Jan 27, 2014 09:47

Victorian Masculine Chair
This chair is an example of a chair designed for masculine use in the 1840’s and 1850’s. It was designed and made by Henry Eyles who made it for the Great Exhibition to show his skills. The plaque of Prince Albert is supposed to celebrate his role in planning the exhibition. The chair includes emblems such as a lion, shamrock, rose and thistle, to incorporate a nationalist theme. This chair was one of a pair, with the other depicting Queen Victoria.

Victorian Drawing Room Chair
This is a drawing room chair that was made in 1851 and was likely inspired by earlier French furniture styles, which was very fashionable at the time. It was designed and made by a man named Henry Eyles, who went on to exhibit it at the Great Exhibition. It was probably designed for this purpose, which is why it would have been made with a plaque of Queen Victoria, as well as being embroidered with the Royal Arms.


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