i'm still not entirely sure how this happened. i was thinking about What I Wanted To Do For The Rest Of My Life and was largely coming up with things that made me deliriously happy in concept (like queer theory! whoohoo! hurrah!) but made me rather sad in practice (...like writing essays. forever *weeps*). then i started painting the cork part of our cork-whiteboard thing and dianne says "hey, you're good at that". so then i dug out my charcoals and started sketching things. like my girlfriend being naked. which made me happy (both the sketching and my girlfriend being naked). and then i started thinking about how i always wanted to do arts of some kind but never had the marks or the money.
handily, since last researching it,
jmc academy has acquired itself a fee-help/hecs program.
therefore, i have full plans to mooch another degree out of our fine commonwealth. a degree in DIGITAL MEDIA AND 3D ANIMATION *GLEE*
this year might not turn out to be so shitty after all.
i maded you a superhero but i ated it. ---
flights to be had this year:
12th of feb - sydney to perth for fall out boy and general perth shenanigating.
sodo, and
not_nele? come shenanigating with me?
16th of feb - perth to sydney.
26th of feb - sydney to melbourne for soundwave and some sideshows. or a single sideshow. i can't remember. more shenanigating!
1st of march - melbourne to sydney.
some point in july - flying to the states for some warped tour dates!! EXCITING TIMES PEOPLE.
my 6kg stepdaughter just jumped up on the couch and is now sitting on my chest, happily purring meaty cat biscuit purrs into my face. it's really fucking hot, i can hardly see my monitor and she's really fucking heavy, but since she does this so rarely, she gets to stay. silly kitty.
...and now she's scratching her nose on my glasses. too cute. too, too cute.