this place is too wangsty. here, have a meme.
charlichocer tagged me. there was something about tagging seven more people but eh, like you'd do it anyway ;p
1. when i start writing something, i have a tendency to write the first word or so slightly above the paper before actually making a mark, like i have to 'see' it before i write it. i also rest my pen on my ring finger, not my middle finger, which caused me great issues in third grade. my teacher wanted me to write 'properly' and thought this was the reason i was so slow despite having the smrts. nope, i'm just freaking slow. didn't grow out of that one :)
2. both of my thumbs are 'corsetted' due to the rings i've been wearing on them since i was 17 (left hand) and 18 (right hand). now my thumbs look a bit weird, but that's alright coz i don't intend on taking my rings off anytime soon.
3. i am largely terrified of having to 'make conversation'. if there's something to talk about, then i'm generally okay, but if i run out of distractions to babble over, i am well fucked. the lady E, coupled with my glorious paranoia, did this to me. saying "ugh, i'd rather silence than small talk!" really fucks you up when you're used to running off at the mouth and when you have a planetary-sized love of said person *twitch*
4. i (obviously) can't handle awkwardness, but i win at amusing sexually-orientated self-embarrassment. see my history of conversations about vibrators, how bad i am at oral sex, various posts about my cervix and the finding of it, various posts about this sort of caper in other people's ljs, that time i posted a photo of my butt on mosh, the conversation at one comfest where i was declared everyone's back-up fuck, all the talking i've done about what i'd do if i had a penis and exactly how couch cushions and watermelons are involved...yeah. awesome. if i was a comedian, i'd be one of the ones that i hate.
5. me giving someone a french name is like equal to telling them that i love them a crazy, insane amount. if i start talking to you in scattered french, i'm either out of names right now and i love you a crazy insane amount, or i'm drunk and french is in my head quicker than english. god i love it when that happens. france is my home, i just happened to be born in the wrong country. small discrepancy. my parents didn't get the memo.
6. i chew my lip. endearing? kinda. cowlike? definitely. responsible for my overbite? probably.
7. i have a fascination with 'z' names - zara and zoe, most particularly. i used to have a thing for 'k' names but then almost every k-named person i knew turned out to be an arse, so i got over that. i don't know any z people, so i'm safe there. if i disliked my name, i'd change it to zoe elizabeth [something other than williams], but i don't have much of an issue with my first name. i get a small amount of amusement at there being a hayley williams at fueled by ramen records though. i'd never heard of paramore before but then i googled myself about a year ago and found this out, heh. i'd change my last name but there's nothing in particular i really want to change it to at the moment. if i get married, i'd like to change it but i'd either want both of our surnames changed to the same thing or to keep our original names. i've always hated the idea of 'taking' someone's name coz it just smacks of ownership to me, and i'm not a huge fan of having my name hyphenated. the idea of having a new name with someone else feels lovely though.
right, so all the stuff that went down before? not exactly resolved, but certainly less tense...due largely to my grandiose 'omissions of truth'. mmph. but hey, i have proper family now, even if they're scattered all over the internet and aren't even vaguely related to me *loves her family so hard*
other things? skool is good so far. only one unit, hurrah! and that's not because i passed any 300 level philosophy last session, but because i counted my fucking subjects wrong. i = awesome. but hey, two days of critcul each week won't kill me, especially when my course is called 'unaustralian cultural studies'. i totally win at being unaustralian. i should be passed on virtue of the fact that i have a french flag hanging off my computer, one drawn on my whiteboard, one patched to my flightbag and a fleur de lys tattoo design in the works. j'adore mon pays. pass me motherfuckers, i want to go home *s*
i saw cobra starship and the academy is dotdotdot last week. i now have a flaily girlcrush on gabe saporta and his flaily girlcrush on patrick stump. and his patched-in-the-crotch girljeans. and his fresh-from-the-80s dancing. oh gabe, you big homo *squishes him*
i bought a ticket to muse today. mmm, two lots of bellamy in one year *happyplace*
my hair is purple and black now. it brings me great happiness. also bringing me great happiness is the hoodie i bought for $13 at the markets on the weekend. it has stars! $13 for stars! am wearing it now. so cozy. will post photos sometime.
i have a hankering to go to perth. i know that part of my hankering is to not be alone for a muse concert for once, but also because i've been promising cherie and viv for years that i'd go and i haven't. i flew over it on my way to singapore on my way to the uk, but i've never actually been west of victoria. must sort out tax return and see if this is viable. mmm, travel. i miss flying.
something i pondered last week while walking past a rack of ties: would wearing a pink tie make a girl more or less of a gender deviant? doubling or reflecting the subversion doesn't cancel it out, since ties are so strongly gendered, but does it necessarily multiply it? hmm. (i vaguely pondered a pink tie and wondered what its meaning would be for me to wear it. didn't know, so i didn't buy it *s*) (this is also why i vaguely ponder becoming a theorist - i could write a fucking paper on this if i cared enough to research. goddamnit.)