Unless you're some sort of weird shut-in with an irrational fear of any form of modern media, by now you've surely heard the news that Osama Bin Laden has been killed by a team of United States Navy Seals:
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Let's see...Saddam Hussein? Check. Osama Bin Laden? Check. All we need to do now is get that pesky Magneto fellow and we'll be all squared away. :P
Oh, wait...I forgot all about the Hulk! facepalm.jpg
First off, I can already hear the far right kooks now: "They didn't really kill Bin Laden! Obama...STAGED...THE WHOLE THING...TO DRAW ATTENTION...AWAY FROM HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE!!!" Moon Landing? Faked! Bin Laden death? Faked! But professional wrasslin'? THAT SHIT IS REAL!!! DON'T YOU BE HATIN' ON MY PROFESSIONAL WRASSLIN'!!!
I can also hear the far left nutjobs: "What's the big deal? United States neo-imperialism has killed more people than Bin Laden EVER did! Now where did I put that can of Pringles potato chips? I have the munchies! And my hand lotion? And I wanna watch some porn!"
Anyway, they sent Navy Seals. Those guys are some of the most cold-blooded motherfuckers in the military. You know what? I would've sent someone like that myself. Going after some cold-blooded motherfuckers? Send some cold-blooded motherfuckers of your own.
Also, I've been heaing that Al-Quaeda's leadership "has been under a lot of strain in recent years" and has had to "step back a bit". i.e. lay low while flunkeys put their asses on the line. Al-Quaeda leadership structure...lol what a bunch of pussies. I'm not worried so much about any "martyrdom" and "threats of retaliation" from these cowardly assclowns.
That's all I've got. As you were.