Nov 25, 2004 22:09
Dude I love Thanksgiving, and I even get another one tomorrow. I spent the whole day at KC's. I went fishing (yes I went fishing) with TJ and Wesley. It was OK, the highlight was when Wesley ate, yes, he fucking ATE all of the worms that they give you at the bait store. Which is like 50. I was gagging and TJ was egging him on, it really reminded me of something that John would do. Egg Wess on not eat the worms.
Got back and hung out w/ KC and then watched a lil bit of New York Minute, it was ok from what I saw of it. I fell asleep and then TJ and Wess came back from the creek w/ Austin, Marsh, and the Bruzzone boys. Wess made so much fucking noise so I went and crawled into TJ's bed. Then we left for Paul's.
Got there, ate, hang out, ate, and left. Good times. Poor Blake had poison oak allllll over himself, like his face. It was bad. Wess is the demon child, I think that he didn't take his pill tonight so he was all over the place. Thank god that he didn't touch me otherwise I would have had to kick his ass. I really would have too. For all of you who think that this would be cruel, it wouldn't be. I would just be doing everyone in the family a favor and for those of you who know him you would agree that he needs a serious ass-kicking. And I would be the perfect person to do it to him. I still give Gina props for throwing his glasses in the Morning Star lake or whatever it was. That big body of water up there.
It was great to see Madison and I love her deeply. I am going to go to SDSU to see her sometime. It will be the jam. (Yes, Kace I said that it is going to be the JAM!!!!!!)
I already hate HS soccer and I want Robert to die. In Ghana in the blistering heat.