tee. hee. 1 final down. 2 to go. let's celebrate.

Dec 16, 2006 13:24


So it wasn't as bad as I thought. funny thing, on the back of the answer sheet it said that 5 of the questions were from the Immigration test you have to past to get into the United States.
and then it said,god bless america.

so funny. lol.


I'm gonna miss that class, even though I don't have the best grade in it. I liked the professor...minus his long ppt's. I liked my recitation T.A. too. yeah.
Today. is a good day.

I can feel in my brekenstockers. My hair is flowy and fun.
And I have a smile on my face.
What could go wrong?
I leave for home in 5 days. Nothing can stop my good mood.

"You'll be on your up!
You'll be seeing great sights!
You'll join the high fliers
who soar the high heights."
~ Dr. Suess.

get. up. and. go.

Make it a great day!

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