May 20, 2005 21:59
A is for age: 15
B is for booze: mikes hard
C is for career: interior desinger
D is for dad's name: Jeff
E is for essential items to bring to a party: Aaron.. w. some grilled cheese!
F is for favorite song at the moment: ohio is for lovers-hawthorne heights thanks to Pat!
G is for girlfriend: SORRY I DONT HAVE ONE!
H is for hometown: i live in the ghetto!
I is for instruments you play: sorry not that hip!
J is for jam or jelly you like: Jelly.. who the fuck likes JAM?
K is for kids: no kids....yet
L is for living arrangements:idk i change my room like EVERYDAY.. i just cant pic.. but its still ghetto
M is for mom's name: Kristine
N is for name of your best friends:Tina.Emm.Pat.SeanyBoy.AARON! lol n'd lots more
O is for overnight hospital stays: a new one everytime
P is for phobias: SLIPPY! i think they are soo scary!
Q is for quote you like: i love Aaron!
R is for relationship that lasted longest: a year n'd 1/2
S is for sexual position: anytihng goes
T is for time you wake up: weekdays: 4:30/5:00 weekends:whenever my lazy ass feels like it
U is for unique trait: idk!
V is for vegetable you love: Green beans
W is for worst trait: i have no clue
X is for x-rays you've had: LOTS!
Y is for yummy food you make: Grilled Cheese
Z is for zodiac sign: Aquarius
First job: Does babysitting count?
First screen name: whoa that was a long time ago.. and i change mine EVERYDAY!
First funeral: mY g-Pas
First pet: who the hell knows.. long time ago
First piercing: My ears
First tattoo: none YET
First credit card: yeah riight me w. a credit card
First kiss: 5th grade.. in the sand whoop whoop
First enemy: the fat bitch.. that as jelous
First favorite musician: nirvana
Last car ride: Pats dad taking me home from Drews
Last kiss: Aaron
Last movie watched: who knows i can never watch movies anymore thanks to aaron!
Last beverage drank: pespi
Last food consumed: Mikkey D's (not alot tho)
Last phone call: Aaron
Last time showered: 5th hour.. after swimming
Last CD played: New found glory
Last website visited: this one
Single or Taken: taken n'd boy do i love this kid!
Sex: Female!
Birthday: Feb. 15, 1990
Sign: aquarius
Siblings: 2 sisters n'd a brother.. yeah i know my parents got busy! ;-)
Hair color: Brown/Blonde
Eye color: Hazel or green
Shoe size: 9 n'd 1/2
Height: 5"9
Right now, what are you...
Wearing: blue quicksilver hoodie.. with vintage jeans hehe.. and umm a blue billibong shit under w. a pink bra and pink undies to match;-)
Drinking: kool- aid! black cherry
Thinking about: Aaron.. and why he is soo mean to me.. and about tina and emm my home girls and how much i love them! and where the hell is my music
*Eighth Grade*
What were you like: the jello winner! yes 3 years in a row beat that!
What was your favorite class: Gym.. gosh i was a balla then
Who was your best friend: Pat.Emm.Leiah
Who did you have a crush on: Conway that i last member
*Freshman Year*
What were you like: LOUD... and annoying! just like freshman are! hehe.. and made alot new friends so i must not have been that annoying
What was your favorite class: gym/swimmming cause... its the only class im passing w. an A+
Who did you have a crush on: ummm.... Justin @ 1st then i became smart and started liking the lovley AARON!
*Sophomore Year*
Not there YET
*Junior Year*
not there YET
*Senoir Year*
not there YET
-- What’s the color of your bedroom walls?: Wodd
-- What’s in the top drawer of you dresser?:undies..and bras!
-- Do you have a rug or hardwood floor?: nope
-- What kind of picture’s are on the walls?: pics everyone colored for me.. memos of all the years.. a collage of words..some blink 182 stuff.. and ashton kutcher collage
-- Is your computer in the bedroom?: nope
-- Did you make your bed today?: never do
-- Are there clothes all over the place?: Yes they always are
-- What color are you sheets?: dark blue
-- When you walk in the bedroom what's the first thing you smell?: Sweet Pea.. or Adidas
-- Do you have a T.V. in your room?: not no more.. bc i gots bad grades hehe
-- Are there any full length mirrors in plain view?: Yes
-- What’s on the table next to the bed?: Clothes and makeup
-- What’s in the drawer of the table next to the bed?: dont have drawers in it
-- What covers the windows?: Black tarp thingys.. so the sun cant come through i like my sleep
-- Is your bed brass or wood framed?: wood
-- Are the lights bright or dim in the room?: not too Bright
-- Do you use a little plug in night light?: no
-- Do you have Buzz Light year pillow case’s?: no but i wish i did!
-- Do you Drink or Smoke in your bedroom?: no
// series two - describe
-- Your heritage: asian all the way
-- The shoes you wore yesterday: my k-swiss
-- Your fears: losing my one true love
-- Your perfect pizza: extra pepper flakes...italian dressing to dip the crust in
-- One thing you'd like to achieve: get in a band and get a record deal
// series three - what is
-- Your most overused phrase on aim: hey
-- Your thoughts first waking up: what am i going to wear
-- The first feature you notice in the opposite sex: ummm i dont know.. lol
-- Your best physical feature: whos knows ask everyone else
-- Your bedtime: i sleep all the time so whenever i get tired
-- Your greatest accomplishment: finding the love of my life
// series four - you prefer
-- Pepsi or Coke: Coke
-- McDonald's or Burger King: B-King
-- Adidas or Nike: adidas
-- Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea:nestea
-- Chocolate or vanilla: Chocolate
-- Cappuccino or coffee: Cappuccino
-- Boxers or briefs: can off be an on my list?
// series five - do you
-- Smoke: no
-- Cuss: yes
-- Sing well: no but i try
-- Take a shower everyday: yes
-- Do you think you've been in love: im in love right now
-- Want to go to college: yes
-- High school: yea...3 years left
-- Want to get married: yea
-- Type w/ your fingers on the right keys: riight keys
--Believe in yourself: sometimes
--Motion sickness: yes...big time
--Think you’re a health freak: no
-- Get along with your parent(s):NEVER
--Like thunderstorms: definitely
-- Play an instrument:nope...
// series six - in the past month, did/have you
-- Drank alcohol: es
-- Done a drug: no
-- Made Out: yes..and i end up getting sick
-- Gone to the mall: yes
-- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no and never have
-- Eaten sushi: no
-- Been on stage: no
-- Been dumped: no
-- Gone skating: no
-- Made homemade cookies: no
-- Been in love: im in love now
-- Gone skinny dipping: no
-- Dyed your hair:nope but about to this weekend
-- Stolen anything: nope..
// series seven - have you ever
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing?: no
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yes
-- Been caught doing something: who knows
-- Been called a tease: Yes aaron loves to call me that! and i dont know why
-- Changed who you were to fit in: NO!
// series eight - the future
-- Age you hoping to be married: 20s
-- Numbers and Names of Children: idk
-- Describe your Dream Wedding: with Aaron... like the fairy tales
-- How do you want to die: being a hero
-- Where you want to go to college: michigan or western
-- What do you want to be when you grow up:interior designer
-- What country would you most like to visit:who knows.. where ever the wind takes me
// series nine - opposite sex
-- Best eye color?: brown or blue
-- Best hair color?: brown
-- Short or long hair?: dont matter
-- Best height: who knows.. as long as they are shit short
-- Best weight?: not fat but not anorexic skinny
-- Best articles of clothing: none but if you must...something hott
-- Best first date location: dont matter
-- Best first kiss location: watching moives...oh wait..i cant watch a movie anymore
// series ten - number of
-- Number of boys/girls I have kissed: idk
-- Number of boy/girlfriends I have had: idk
-- Number of drugs taken illegally: none
-- Number of people I could trust with my life:PATRICK JOHN ROBINSON...and aaron
-- Number of CDs that I own: a lot
-- Number of foreign countries I have visited: idk
-- Number of states I have visited: idk
-- Number of piercings: 8 riight now but getting more
-- Number of tattoos: none but i wanna get one soon
-- Number of scars on my body: a lot
-- Number of things in my past that I regret: idk!
whoa that took me forever and now im all sleepy but nothing really big has happened @ all this week ive been grounded alot.. and there aint really nothing to do anymore.. so yeah!
thats about it