Fic: Those Who Can

Dec 02, 2009 02:42

Title: Those Who Can
Author: jeeshee
Characters: Kara, Zak
Spoilers: None (pre-mini)
Length: 2779 words

For merrykk who requested "Kara pre-series, either while on her way to a pro-pyramid career or as a flight instructor"

First days did not suit Kara )

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Comments 18

cynicalshadows December 2 2009, 08:41:15 UTC
Love the distinction she makes in her own mind about Kara and Starbuck. And the throwback to her teaching the nuggets in sunglasses while smoking on BSG was hilarious. Nice job.


jeeshee December 13 2009, 16:20:27 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it! Love your icon :)


(The comment has been removed)

jeeshee December 13 2009, 16:21:12 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! :D


rdave1 December 2 2009, 15:48:08 UTC
I really love this. I love the parallels of Kara's coach and how she ended up teaching her nuggets. I love the sunglasses and cigar method of getting their attention.

Great job!


jeeshee December 13 2009, 16:25:10 UTC
Thanks very much!


somewhereapart December 2 2009, 17:03:37 UTC
Another one from you? It's like Christmas come early!

I have so much love for this piece. I love the way you wove in Kara's past pyramid experience with her teaching experience, and I loved seeing Kara's desire to really be good at teaching tempered by those good ol' Kara Thrace insecurities that never really go away. So very Kara.

And, yknow, Zak. *sigh* Who doesn't love Zak?


callmeonetrack December 2 2009, 17:14:55 UTC
Hee. These are not from me. I am posting all the stories in the fic exchange because I am the mod and the stories are anonymous until the reveal on/about December 9.

For some reason I can't seem to figure out how to post as "karathracelives". I can only post as me. Sorry for the confusion!


somewhereapart December 2 2009, 17:27:25 UTC
Ah. Well, whoever wrote this, I love it!


rayruz December 2 2009, 20:45:32 UTC
You'd have to make a spare account.


rayruz December 2 2009, 20:48:46 UTC
The cigarette burn made me cringe... I loved this though... the back and forth between the two scenes were wonderful. I liked the glimpse into her head when she was younger, the struggles with her self-worth that really continue throughout her life.

I totally called that loud mouth guy was Zak... *pets him*


jeeshee December 13 2009, 16:27:09 UTC
The ciagrette burn was much vaguer in the first draft, but I felt like I should make it more pointed and I'm glad that you had a reaction to it.

Thanks for reading :)


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