(no subject)

Mar 26, 2005 02:14

Judging from the time the marines staggered to their racks last night, the celebrations must have lasted a few hours. There will be a lot of hangovers this morning. I didn't really feel like celebrating. I went down to the flight deck to congratulate Apollo and the others, but I was relieved that Carter had decided to go back to her quarters.

We lost too many people. I know that it was worth it, we needed the tylium badly, but it doesn't change the fact that we lost pilots again. Fireball, Deadbolt, Spinner, Chuckles... frak, Chuckles wasn't even ready to be flying yet. If standing around and listening to other people die trying to pull of your plan is what a higher command is about, they can keep it. Next Cylon attack we engage in I shall be in a frakking viper, knee or no knee.

At least Sam made it back in one piece. It feels selfish to be thinking that, but I'm not sure what I would have done if she hadn't made it back. The things she said last night... they're... I don't want to think about it. She's alive and that's all that matters. I wish I could say the same for the others.
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