(no subject)

Mar 21, 2005 20:53

We're making progress with the Cylon raider. The intel we gathered from the raider that kept jumping in and out of FTL actually did proof useful. I just keep wondering how much intel it managed to gather about us. Chances are unlikely that it actually had the opportunity to deliver the information back to his buddies, I'm still left with the uneasy feeling that there was more behind this all.

In the meanwhile, things are starting to look bad as we're running out of fuel. I'm trying not to think about how many they wasted while looking for me on that moon. The irony of it all is that we actually found a resourve but the Cylons are sitting on it. There are rumours going about Adama preparing an op. It seems we don't have much choice, but if Boomer's description is accurate, it sounds like a frakking suicide mission. Then again, we might as well take our chances than wait for the Cylons to catch up with us when we finally do run out of fuel.
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