(no subject)

Mar 18, 2005 22:51

Gods, is there some sort of test in being a pompeous jackass before they allow you to have over a billion cubits?

They're still in a different world on this ship. They're still gambling for cubits while there is no practical value for it anymore. Not that they quite get it, they think I'm stupid to accept cigars and ambrosia in exchange for their precious pieces of paper. I'm surprised the waiter hasn't thrown them out yet as pretty boy thinks he still has the right to be a pig. And then I'm not even mentioning his pick up lines, I'm sure even Crashdown can do a lot better.

One thing you've got to give them is that they're a lot more subtle than on the other ship. They've been asking me questions about president Roslin, Commander Adama and Zarek in between their ramblings about rations and generally being bored. I've been brushing them off with short replies on how I'm just a viper pilot and don't know anything about the big chiefs. Which seems to be amusing Tom, one of the middle aged men. Apparently he thinks he has a lot to offer to a girl like me. I don't think I want to find out what exactly, although I have my suspicions.
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