Well we have successfully made it through another holiday season. It always goes by so fast, believe me I'm not complaining! This year was full of many wonderful surprises.
Kevin bought me Animal Crossing: City Folk with the mic so if anyone else has it let me know and we can sit for hours chatting and running around each others towns!! I keep restarting mine so that I can get an awesome town layout. I'm not sure if I still like the one I picked. I may restart again to get another layout! I'm such a weirdo!
Then my "big gift" from Kevin was a new Tokidoki bag!!!!!! Okay, I admit, I was nervous because I hadn't kept up on the news that LeSportSac was going to continue making the bags, just not using their name anymore. So the thought of fake crossed my mnd...hee hee but it's definitely not a fake and is super cute! It's the "punk" collection and I got awesome placement. Yay!!!
The girls and Enzo also had a nice Christmas. It was Polly's first Christmas and she took right to it! I think she wants it to be Christmas everyday. (Holly notice the orange BAD cuz!)
We ended up going over to my sister's house where my parents, brother, my sister and her husband, their three kids and my aunt and uncle all gathered. it was craziness..but not too bad!
But the best present of them all...my aunt made my sister, my mother and myself each a pillow using granny squares that were my grandmothers. Apparently my mom had given them to her to use how she felt fit. She said that this way, instead of making a throw blanket for one..we each got a little piece of my grandmothers work. I almost started crying, but I held it in and just hugged the pillow!
but i think the best picture of the day goes to Maze, my sister's 3 month old Great Dane puppy..
he was able to do what all of us wished we were doing!
I hope you all had an awesome Christmas! I'm off to play Animal Crossing!