First, an unrelated link I just had to share.
Vampires are popular because straight girls want to have sex with gay men, apparently.
Now, the real reason for this post. I finally get multi shipping. Honestly, I usually latch on to a ship and get territorial about it. Even if I don't hate the other pairings, I'm usually focused on just one. I'll read Kara/Sam/Lee or Kara/Leoben, even occasionally Kara/Lee or Kara/Zak, but Kara/Sam is my OTP and no other pairing comes close. That's a pretty standard experience for me.
But Glee is different. I either ship everyone or no one, I haven't decided which yet. Well, amongst the kids at least. I couldn't care less about the adults. But especially amongst the Quinn/Finn/Rachel/Puck grouping. I like every single one of those potential pairings, even the slash pairings, and I don't do slash!
This is a strange new experience for me. I think I like it.