May 05, 2012 22:04
All right amateur doctors, it's time for another round of 'weird stuff Caitlin's body is doing'.
It's not unusual for me to get headaches. I don't have chronic migraines or anything, but the occasional tension headache when I'm stressed, or sinus headache, sure. A normal one of those I wouldn't think anything of. I've been having this sort of headache for several days now. It's not a constant thing. That's why I called it an almost head ache. See, it's this pain on the left side of my head, sort of above my ear and back slightly. The pain isn't really stabbing or pressure, it's more if you have a bad bruise and someone pushes on it. And what's happening is I'll have this pain and it will last for a couple of seconds, and then it goes away. And I might feel it again a few minutes later, or a few hours later, or not until the next day. There's no pattern to it. It's odd. I'm not worried about it, necessarily, but I've never had a headache that's lasted more than a few hours before, so it's unusual for me.
The most likely cause I can think of is maybe a caffeine headache? I switched from coffee to tea this week. But it wasn't like I drank a ton of it before. I had 2 8 oz cups during my work day. And I never drank any on the weekends because I don't own a coffee maker, and I never had a problem before. Plus I made sure the tea I got isn't decaf, so even if it's a different amount of caffeine then I was getting before, it shouldn't be none. I also suspect caffeine headaches probably don't hurt once and then not again for hours or more, as caffeine headaches are basically withdrawal and that seems like it's probably a constant thing, but then I've never had a caffeine headache before, so I don't know what they feel like.
And then there's this other thing. On my left hip (lower with my vagina, but on the outside) I keep getting this intermittent pain. It also feels kind of like if you press on a bruise, but it's slightly more painful than the headache. It kind of follows the same pattern, where it happens, lasts for a few seconds and then goes away for long periods of time. But it doesn't happen at the same time as the headaches, despite following a similar pattern. It first happened when I laid down to go to bed earlier this week. I thought I had lain on something in the bed, but nope, nothing there. It doesn't hurt when I touch it, there's no visible bruising or other marks. It's just...totally random.
And now just today I've had a couple times where I felt a sharp pain on my left shoulder blade, like a cut or a zit (which was my first thought as back acne is unfortunately common with me). But again, there's nothing there and it doesn't hurt if I touch it when it's not already hurting.
Very weird.