I came out to my brother

Apr 18, 2012 20:42

If feels weird to say I came out, probably because 'coming out' is such a big thing for so many people, and in a lot of ways my initial coming out (to you guys) wasn't.  There was no angst or drama, it was just a realization that I wasn't really joking when I kept talking about how I would make out with *insert female celebrity*, etc.  But when I started thinking about telling other people in my 'real' life, I did kind of balk at it a bit.  I don't think I have anyone in my life who would disown me, but I do think it would change my relationship with my parents at least a little, and definitely my grandparents.  TBH I don't know that I ever will tell them unless I actually do end up dating a girl.

But I wanted to tell someone from 'real life'.  Well, someone except my friend Lora, who I was chatting with at work during the exact moment where the light bulb went off.  (Side note: Lora is the awesomest, I cannot begin to describe how much I would hate my job if I did not have her to snark with all day on the inter office communicator that we're not supposed to use for exactly what we use it for)

So I decided to tell my second oldest brother.  He's the one who's a closet atheist (to our family anyway) like me.  I knew he wasn't going to give me shit for it, but for some reason I was still horribly nervous the second I sent the email (yeah, I did it in email, shut up).

This was his response.

Cool. Um...yeah, I don't care, but I understand why it fills you with consternation, etc. I like this, though. I finally have someone in the family I feel like I don't have to condescend to, because you also aren't just some boring midwest cliche of a person.

I love my brother, for reals.  He's like the one family member that I don't have to add an asterisk to when I say that I love them and think they're mostly good people.  (Well, little brother Curtis too...he's a lib and based on his facebook and twitter posts, he's pretty much like me and Carlin)
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