
Mar 31, 2012 07:30

I have a date tonight.

I know, I just posted how I thought I was going to be single forever, right?  Well, I mean, this may be nothing.  I've sort of shied away from learning everything about him before I meet him, because I'm terrified of awkward silences and I want to make sure we have lots to talk about, so it's hard to know 100% if we're a good match, but what the hell (I mean, I know some stuff, it's not like it's a blind date...just, you know, not everything).  And yes, I have a friend who's going to be monitoring her phone in case I need help.  See tumblr for our code.

The sucky things - I have a rather noticeable pimple right below the corner of my mouth this morning.  Thanks, mother nature!  Even worse - last night I stepped out on my balcony to photograph the sunset, barefoot, and a huge splinter tore a 1 inch gash on the bottom of my foot.  So walking is...interesting.  It's a good thing we're going to dinner and not dancing.  I was going to walk and meet him, but since walking long distances is not really feasible at the moment, he's going to pick me up.  I told him that was very sweet, but I was going to text his license plate to my friend.  Just in case.

I really want to go shopping for clothes this morning.  My brother is taking me shopping for practical stuff this afternoon, like a headboard and some plant stuff and to pick up an order from UPS.  But I don't want him to take me shopping and he probably wouldn't do it anyway.  So I'm trying to figure out if I can manage the bus and walking to the other side of the mall.  I cleaned the cut and rubbed neosporin on it last night but left it uncovered because I wanted to expose it to the air to dry it out, and it wasn't bleeding all over anyway.  But I think if I cover it with gauze and wrap my foot, I can probably manage to walk OK.  I sort of wish I had a cane.

rl, dating

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