Help Me

Feb 28, 2011 10:08

1.  After my little freak out of last night I decided to submit with no glass.  Not ideal, but much better than using the shit they sold me.  Still pissed off, but feeling better overall.

What I'm not feeling good about is titling work.  I hate it.  I'm terrible at it.  I have approx. 5 hours to come up with great titles for 3 works of art.  Gr.

2.  I apparently lost the resume file that I had already made, so I'm having to remake it.  Again.  Anyone want to volunteer to proof read it for me once I'm done with it?  I haven't actually found any jobs I'm submitting to yet, but my goal is to start sending no later than next week.  Earlier if I can.

3.  OK.  I'm in trouble.  Deep, deep trouble.

I was just enjoying it for the hotness.  No real investment.  It was just for the pretteh.  But one sneak peek making them canon was all it took for me to fall head over heels in love with Erica/Hobbes.  Because I really wasn't invested in this show at all.  It wasn't something that I thought about.  But once I did start thinking about it I realized that these are exactly the type of characters that always end up being my OTPs.  The snarky banter, the fighting side by side, the meeting while pointing guns at each other, the complicated relationships with other people, managing to be fucked up without edging into creepy or abusive...they're practically Sam and Kara (except Erica is more Sam and Kyle is more Kara...not that it really matters...).


I'm, like, becoming really invested in them, and it's awful because it's not going to end well.  Even if a miracle happens and they get a season 3, I'm 99% certain they want us to view Jack as her perfect man or some such barf worthy sentiment.  Maybe I've just been burned too many times by triangles, IDK.  I'm actually worried Kyle is going to die, to be honest.  Because there are supposed to be deaths coming and he's not in any promo photos for the finale and he's not listed on IMDB for the finale and I know IMDB isn't reliable but still.  And there was a list of people who might die in the finale and only Erica and Anna were listed as safe but Kyle wasn't on the 'maybe' list either which at first made me really happy but then made me think maybe he's already dead.  Which would be really fucking stupid writing, TBH.  To set up this drama between him and Erica, with his betrayal and them sleeping together, and then to resolve it an episode later?  But this is V, so I'm not counting on good writing keeping him safe.

But enough of my freaking myself out.  Let's talk about the sneak peek and all the things I loved that really pushed me over to shipping them hard.  Because it's really the way it played out that made me love these too.  They've always been so snarky, and I love that, but what really gets to me is when snarky, smart ass people are emotional and tender.  The way Kyle looks at her, the way they start so manages to be incredibly emotional without being sappy.

Also, they manage to hit 3 of my big kinks.  Well, kinks is kind of a strong word, but...things I really, really, really like is just awkward to say.  Anyway:

1.  Forehead touching.  I cannot stress enough how much I love this.  It always feels so intimate to me.  And they do it 3 different times.

After the first kiss

When they lean back in to kiss again

And even when she's ripping his clothes off

(OK there's a tiny space in this particular cap, but they do touch, this is just the only one that turned out clear)

2.  Hair mussing.  I don't know why I like this so much, I just really love it when people tangle their fingers in their partner's hair.  

3.  Face touching.  Again, I just think there's something that always seems to intimate about this.  And EM seems very fond of doing it.

I went back to Kyle's first episode and their first meeting.  The little smiles they give to each other while threatening each other over guns...*sigh*.  And the difference in their relationship.  Kyle was so reluctant and so untrustworthy at first, and now...I don't think they love each other or anything like that, but I do think they trust and respect each other (which is going to make it so awful when Erica finds out what Kyle did).

And you know, I've been trying to think how it will play out if Kyles doesn't die and we by some miracle get more episodes.  Promo photos show that Erica at some point teams up with Ryan again.  Even if she doesn't trust him she's willing to work with him after he betrayed them.  Now, obviously it's different.  Ryan prevented them from killing Anna but Kyle actually killed people.  I fully expect Erica to be pissed at him, and rightly so.  I fully expect him to be cast out, so to speak.  But I'm not entirely convinced they can't come back from it.  First, while betrayal is betrayal, Kyle, like Ryan, had a reason for doing it.  He was really fucking stupid, but it's not like he did it for money.  And he clearly feels awful for it.  And I can see some small part of Erica understanding that even if it doesn't change how pissed she is.  And then there are the deaths.  Which is no small thing.  But the Vs clearly wanted Eli dead.  If Hobbes hadn't done it, someone else would have.  And from a pragmatic POV, Eli dying when he did prevented either the humans or the Vs from questioning him and potentially compromising the 5th Column.  And then Joe...clearly the part that's going to hurt Erica the most.  Hobbes absolutely 100% contributed to his death, but he did not actually do the deed.  He waited until the hostages were clear of the building, and he had no control over the sniper fire that then took place.

I'm not trying to say he's blameless, because he's not.  He should face consequences for what happened.  I just don't think it was necessarily a Moral Even Horizon that he can't come back from after much, much, much atoning.

BTW, has anyone else read the rumors that EM and CM are actually an item off screen?  There was video of them last week eating out at a restaurant and holding hands in a way that felt distinctly more-than-friends (there was stroking and finger-twining involved).  I don't usually like to get involved with gossip, but I think they'd be adorable.

erica/kyle, v, art, work, rl

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