Why do Monday's exist?

Jan 24, 2011 08:35

1.  The national news this morning was talking about how it's so cold on the east coast, and I'm just like, lol, midwest has had that for 2 weeks now honey.  Suck it up, New York.  Also, it's pretty much 60 in my apartment all the time.  I'd complain to my landlord, but I know there's nothing she can do.  The heat works fine.  She just bought a shitty old house with old windows that leak like a sieve and improper insulation in the walls.  Nothing she can do about it right now.  This is the price for living with a family friend and having rock bottom rent to pay.

2.  Godfuckingdammit I have a loose tooth.  A loose permanent tooth.  Fucking fuck fuckerton fuckface.  It's not, like, close to falling out loose.  But I can feel it shifting around with my tongue.  And just now I grabbed it with fingers and gave a little wiggle.  I'd done that before and never felt it move.  This time it did.  Almost imperceptibly but it was there.

I'm freaking out.  I thought I was done with all this teeth drama.  I know I haven't taken as good a care of my teeth as I should have.  I know it's my fault.  But I thought the cavities were the worst of it.  Loose permanent teeth can be a sign of advanced gum disease.  I have a sudden urge to carry toothbrush/toothpaste/floss/mouthwash with me everywhere and brush on an hourly basis or something.

3.  I had other fandomy stuff I was going to post but now that I noticed the loose tooth I'm feeling to full of self pity to be all excited.  Um.  Yay Being Human for being awesome and for having someone call out Mitchell on his 'poor me' attitude?

my teeth suck, being human, fml, rl

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