Dec 29, 2010 20:06
1. OK, so I went to Hobby Lobby today to get sewing supplies so I could start work on my next painting. But I missed the return bus and the next wasn't for an hour. So I decided to go to the Village Inn half a block away from my stop. I get in there and the guy, like, doesn't even look up. I'm just standing there, twiddling my thumbs, about to clear my throat loudly or something, when another couple walks in. And get seated right away. And I'm just like, the fuck? Did you not see me standing two feet in front of you, you jackass? And then he didn't give me any utensils either. And then I missed the bus again, by seconds. So I decided to just walk home instead, which was 3 miles, but I was pissed and it seemed like a good idea at the time. And now my feet hurt, but at least it was free pie day so I got free pie.
2. I hate it when I end up shipping couples who I know ahead of time don't end up together. I'm a sucker, OK? I like happy endings. Stoopid Susan/Caspian. Can they just, like, rewrite the last books and completely change the end for the film series? That's totally doable, right?
3. OK, so Voyage of the Dawn Treader gave my Lucy with a sword and using Susan's bow and arrows, and now I'm rewatching Prince Caspian and Susan's all badass, and a couple days ago The Mummy Returns was on and Evie is all badass, and basically, I'm really in the mood for women running around with swords and kicking ass. Any movie/TV show recs (I'd also take books)? I'm hoping for something I haven't seen before, not that I expect you all to know everything I've seen.
chronicles of narnia,